Years ago, we cut down three Liquidambar (Sweetgum) trees. Beautiful trees in the fall, but the gumballs were literally a pain, and the roots heaved the sidewalk. We didn't have the stump or roots removed, but later beautiful mushrooms magically appeared, and we noticed the stumps were gone!
Earlier this winter, just as magically, these mushrooms appeared on a nearby tree. By then, I had learned about the much sought-after “Turkey Tails” (Trametes versicolor) and wondered if these might be them! “Turkey tail” is an edible polypore mushroom with medicinal properties. Its name comes from its resemblance to a turkey's tail. (NOTE: do not eat any mushrooms that haven't been professionally identified.)

These appear to be Stereum hirsutum with common names including “False Turkey Tails”, “Hairy Curtain Crust”, or “Crowded Parchment”.

What do these have in common? Meet “The Wood Decayers "
Both Stereum and Trametes fungi have distinctive fruiting bodies that are thin, leathery, and bracket-like, commonly referred to as brackets or conks.
Stereum hirsutum fungi “are commonly found on dead trees, branches, and stumps but rarely cause serious decay in living trees.”
Trametes versicolor “fungus commonly is found on cut and fallen wood and on wounded areas of living trees; it also is capable of colonizing sapwood of trees and shrubs stressed by water shortage, sunburn, freeze damage, or wounding.”
Compare Trametes Versicolor, and Stereum species hirsutum/complicatum, and fasciatum