What's Growing On - San Joaquin UC Master Gardeners

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Holiday Plants Add To A Home’s Cheer

November 29th, 2021
By Marceline D Sousa
Winter is a time when a lot of the color of the outdoor world has faded away. The leaves have fallen and gray skies are becoming more frequent. Winter is also a time of happiness and cheer; a time that you spend with your loved ones.
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kathy mg

Gardens as a metaphor for life

February 8th, 2018
An acquaintance recently told me about a favorite and once thriving shrub that was in serious decline. The problem: over time, branches from a nearby tree had grown and spread so widely that they were shading out the sun-loving plant.
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A San Joaquin Master Gardener working in the Learning Landscape

Master Gardeners – we’re here to help you

February 5th, 2018
Have you ever wondered where to go for advice about landscaping or vegetable gardening? Does a pest problem have you stumped? Do you need guidance on how and when to prune your favorite specimen plant or fruit tree?
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Red maples in my neighbor's front garden.

Avoid problems with some smaller trees for shade and color.

January 31st, 2018
A friend asked me recently if there are modest sized trees to plant for shade. Her recent experience was removing a Magnolia tree which had cracked up her driveway. The back-hoe operator, who took out the root-ball, said it was the largest he had ever removed.
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