- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Dear Colleagues,
Recently, Provost Pitts announced that he is undertaking an administrative review of all areas reporting to the Provost, including ANR. This review continues UCOP efforts to identify opportunities to improve business processes and efficiencies and to make optimal use of consolidated shared services in UC’s Office of the President by eliminating duplication. I have asked Associate Vice President Kay Harrison Taber to provide leadership for our response to this review. Kay’s knowledge of ANR’s unique operations and administrative needs is essential for the completion of this important task.
As you know, AVP Taber has announced her retirement at the end of June. Her extensive knowledge of ANR and UC has...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to provide the ANR Staff Merit Program Guidelines (below), which contain the program parameters as well as the merit increase table for non-represented staff in the MSP and PSS personnel programs. Merit increases are effective retroactive to July 1, 2011.
The ANR Staff Personnel Unit will be working with the ANR Business Operations Centers to implement the payroll increases. Should you need more information, please contact the ANR SPU Office at anrstaffpersonnel@ucdavis.edu or Margaret Leong at Margaret.leong@ucop.edu.
Kay Harrison Taber
Associate Vice President for Business...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Guidelines for merit increases for ANR academics and non-represented staff
Dear Colleagues:
As a follow up to President Yudof’s August 17 letter about merit-based salary increases for academics and staff, the following guidelines outline how the increases will be implemented.
Information about 2011-12 UC merit increases
· As the president’s letter states, the merit program is aimed at helping UC recruit and retain academics, and also to acknowledge non-represented staff...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
The Executive Working Group is continuing to direct USDA Smith-Lever funding to support program development for advisors, academic coordinators, academic administrators and program representatives serving in county-based programs, statewide programs, research and extension centers and ANR support units.
These funds will be allocated to accounts for FY 2011-12 under the direction of county directors and directors of appropriate units. They will allocate $1,000 per advisor, academic coordinator and academic administrator and $500 per program representative, regardless of their position’s funding source.
Use of these funds will be approved by each county director or unit head. These funds are to be used in broad support of...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Dear Colleagues:
As you may know, the UC Board of Regents last November approved funds in UC’s 2011-12 budget to provide a pool for merit-based salary increases for faculty and staff.
I am writing to share with you the letter from President Yudof to chancellors that outlines the general terms of the merit program and explains his decision to exclude senior-level managers from participation. Yudof's letter can be read at http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/news/general/
As President Yudof states, the merit program is aimed at helping recruit and retain...