- Author: Ruth Salazar
The UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program partnered with Dairy Council of California, Madera County and Public Health for this year's Summer Meals in Madera County. The event's goal was to provide meals to children during the summer as well as provide fun physical activities.
Young girl enjoying her time while playing the parachute activity
The event took place on June 29, 2018 at the McNally Memorial Park in Madera, where they provided information booths and free physical activities. The physical activities took place after the children were given their healthy meal. Staff established an area in the park where CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) activities could take place such as parachute, parade around, and frog on the lily pads. Physical activity games where provided for about 200 children from the age range of K-5th grade.
UC CalFresh staff Austin and Coraima explaining a CATCH activity
Elizabeth competing to capture the flag
During the games, other staff educated children on the MyPlate through games and brochures. While at the booth children were explained the importance of following the MyPlate and incorporating a balanced meal while including the five food groups.
Young boy enjoying himself through the parachute activity
Children showcasing frogs on the lily pad.
- Author: Ruth Salazar
UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program has continued its partnership with Madera's Community Action Partnership of Madera County Head Start by providing nutrition lessons. On May 7th the Madera UC CalFresh Team had the opportunity to present to Madera's Head Start teachers on how to utilize our Happy Healthy Me… Moving, Munching & Reading Around My Plate curriculum.
Elizabeth Lopez presenting at the training
This curriculum's goal is to have 4-6 years old children develop healthy eating and physically activity habits that will last a lifetime. At the training the staff demonstrated the many aspects that the curriculum has to offer such as physical activity games, nutrition activities, and arts and crafts that correlate with the specific lesson. After completing the training more than 50 teachers have been trained and enrolled on the curriculum. More than sixty children will benefit from this training through their teachers new skills in the curriculum.
Head Start teachers attending the training
Ruth and Elizabeth explaining the activities from Happy Healthy Me curriculum
- Author: Sergio Perez
UC Calfresh joined Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (EOC) to promote a new vegetable to the Calwa Elementary students during the Fresh Grub event on February 28th. Fresh Grub links with school cafeterias to provide students with locally grown produce. At this event, the new vegetable that was introduced to children, teachers, and parents was jicama. The event was hosted by Fresno EOC, and UC Calfresh was there to support in providing direct education and facilitating a jicama taste test with the students. Others that played a big part in developing the event include Fresno State Community and Economic Development, Fresno Unified School District, and Fresno County Farm Bureau. ABC30 News was also present to film the event.
Calwa's UC Calfresh Nutrition Program Educator, Sergio, is ready to present educational information on jicama.
UC Calfresh Nutrition Program Educator, Mishelle, shows a picture on how jicama originally looks like before being cut.
Tasting 1: Plain Jicama
Tasting 2: Jicama with Lemon
The grade levels that participated in the jicama taste testing were 3rd, 5th, and 6th grade students. There were two types of tastings the students were exposed to. The first tasting was jicama by itself, and the second was jicama with lemon. The UC Calfresh team recorded the student's response of ever trying jicama, if they tried it at the time, were they willing to eat it again, and if they were willing to ask for it at home. Afterwards, ABC30 News asked the students' feedback and opinion on the tasting. At the end of the students taste test, we had teachers and parents taste both tastings and give us their response on whether they would serve the plain jicama or jicama with lemon at home.
To record students' responses accurately and prevent students from influencing one another, UC Calfresh educators would have them have their heads down, and show a thumb up for ‘yes.'
Students were excited to try new foods. For those who have tried it, they were surprised at seeing other ways jicama can be eaten. Different ways jicama was represented included eating it in a form of French fries, salad, or a taco shell.
Parents and staff from Calwa Elementary tasting the jicama with their children.
Group photo with the staff members of Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, Fresno Unified School District, and UC Calfresh.
The Fresh Grub was a successful event. There were about 200 students who participated, as well as parents and teachers who did the jicama taste test at the end. Fresno's EOC and UC Calfresh did a great job coordinating the event. UC Calfresh will continue to push healthy eating to the students in the cafeteria, as this can help make healthier decisions and explore different foods.
- Author: Tacu Vang
UC CalFresh teamed up with Cultiva La Salud to promote safe routes to school during their Walk to School event at Winchell and Greenberg Elementary, on October 25th and 26th. The event was hosted by Cultiva La Salud and UC CalFresh was there to support by providing a Rethink Your Drink station for participants.
The Walk to School event had a great turn out. There were parent volunteers who also helped out with the walk. Students were excited and have already been talking about the days that the event happened at their school. Winchell Elementary was the first of two Walk to School events. It was a cold morning at Winchell Elementary, but we were able to fight the weather off and enjoyed our walk.
Nutrition Program Supervisor, Nath Say, with a parent volunteer and Winchell students getting ready for the walk at one meeting location.
Winchell Students crossing the street with the help from Cultiva La Salud team and parent volunteer.
The UC CalFresh team (Carissa, Tacu, and Coraima) with morning smiles and the amazing infused water station.
The next day, we headed to Greenberg Elementary for their Walk to School event. Just like the day before, it was a cold day, but we all had fun with the students and parents. There were 4 different meeting locations for students to meet up so to participate in the walk. The students were ecstatic and enjoyed the morning walk.
Greenberg Students ready for the Walk to School event.
Greenberg Students with their Walk to School signs getting closer to the school.
UC CalFresh Team (Austin, Tacu, Evelyn, and Maira) supporting the Walk to School Event at Greenberg Elementary.
The Walk to School event was a great success. It was the first time that we have done an event like this at any of these schools. Cultiva La Salud did a great job at coordinating these two events and we hope that we can collaborate for more of these events with Cultiva La Salud in the future. One thing is for sure, there is more that we can still do to help all these students walk safely to school, and this is a start to many more safe routes to school.
- Author: Hannah Lee
- Contributor: Emily Harris
In January, Ayer students started their Food Friday Campaign with the goal of eating more fruits and veggies. A total of 559 servings of fruits and veggies were eaten during the four Food Fridays - way to go, Ayer Bears! Congratulations to Mrs. Lee's first grade class for having the largest increase of fruits and veggie consumption over the four weeks! Her class ate almost twice as many fruits and vegetables on the last Food Friday in comparison to the first.
To celebrate Ayer students' hard work with Food Friday, UC CalFresh hosted a MyPlate obstacle course! Check out all of the fun below!
UC CalFresh team members Chris, Hannah, Austin, and Maira, Fresno State Dietetic Intern Alicia and NFCS Advisor Mandeep, couldn't be more excited!
Austin shows kiddos the Fruit Hoops.
Chris the Carrot leads the way across the field.
Students stretch their arms with Hannah.
Maira provides some push-up motivation for these strong students!
Thank you to everyone at Ayer Elementary for helping us put on this wonderful event! Students had a great time and were reminded to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.