UCCE Central Sierra Living with Fire

Be Prepared!

Living with Fire is a challenge in the Sierra Nevada. We live in a fire adapted ecosystem where wildfires used to burn naturally every 8 to 35 years depending on elevation. Since we started suppressing wildfire over a hundred years ago, Sierra Nevada forests and woodlands have gotten overly dense with vegetation creating a high risk of high severity fire. Residents of the Sierra must learn to live with fire by creating defensible space around their homes and retrofitting their homes using construction materials and techniques that reduce the risk of burning during a wildfire.

The University of California offers publications, websites, events and workshops on living with fire in the central Sierra. We have expertise in defensible spacefire resistant home construction, and living with fire in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

University of California Web Resources

Would you like information about our workshops?

We offer workshops throughout the year on various subject matter such as, defensible space, wildland urban interface building codes, and home upgrading to reduce risk, just to name a few. Please add your name to the Join our Mailing List on the top menu to receive information about our next workshop.

Defensible Space Resources

Fire Resistant Home Construction Resources

Contribute for a Better Future


Susan D Kocher

Susan D. Kocher
Forestry/ Natural Resources Advisor

Katie Reidy

Katie Reidy
Post-fire Forest Resilience Education Coordinator, Academic Coordinator II

Daylin Wade