Danielle Lee

Danielle Lee


Director of Communications & Research Engagement

Public Health Nutrition

Danielle Lee is a registered dietitian and public health nutritionist working to increase access to healthy and sustainable food. Her work at the UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI) focuses on healthy beverage policies, food waste, early childhood feeding, and federally funded food programs including the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

Danielle manages internal and external communications for NPI, including serving the role of lead editor and writer of the NPI Research to Action quarterly email news brief, blog manager for the NPI news posts, and NPI website manager. 


  • A.S. Biological Sciences, Reedley College, 2006
  • B.S. Clinical Nutrition, University of California, Davis, 2008
  • M.P.H Public Health Nutrition, University of California, Berkeley, 2015
  • R.D. California State University, Northridge, 2016