Erin Leigh Dicaprio
Specialist in Community Food Safety
M.S. Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University. 2012
B.S. Biology, Virginia Tech. 2005
Dr. Erin DiCaprio is an Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of California Davis. She has a B.S. in Biology from Virginia Tech and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology from the Ohio State University. Dr. DiCaprio is a food virologist. Her research focuses on understanding the interaction of foodborne viruses with foods, investigating emerging foodborne viruses, and developing strategies to control viruses in the food chain. As an Associate Professor in Cooperative Extension with a focus on community food safety she provides support to small food processors, food entrepreneurs, food hubs, growers, and consumers related to food safety and food regulations. Dr. DiCaprio is a Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance Preventive Controls for Human Food Lead Instructor and site director for the Better Process Control School. She is a Produce Safety Alliance Lead Trainer and the statewide technical lead for the UC Cooperative Extension Produce Safety Technical Assistance Program.