Oxnard Historic Farm Park
The purpose of the ongoing UC Master Gardener projects at the OFP is to highlight gardening related to the history of farming on the Oxnard Plain to the local community. Ongoing projects include:
* Maintenance of the Chumash Garden, including interpretative signage about the plants and their usage by the Chumash.
* Maintenance of vineyards planted with a Zinfandel varietal farmed in the late 1800’s
* Composting / mulching
* Drip irrigation
* Raised bed vegetable gardening
* Maintenance of lemon grove
* Maintenance of cactus gardens
* Maintenance of avocado trees
* Maintenance of wild flower gardens.
* Maintenance of berry vines - three varieties
Maintenance on all projects includes soil preparation, planting, pruning, irrigation and plant replacements as necessary.
OFP is open to the public on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9 AM to noon.
Master Gardeners are invited to join us at these times to participate in any of the above projects.
Website: www.oxnardfarmpark.org