Growing Edibles: Plan to Plot to Plate

Date & Time
May 3 2025 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Mill Valley Library
375 Throckmorton Avenue,
Mill Valley, CA 94941
United States
This is an in-person event
About the Event
Program: Want to learn about growing edibles? Come and hear about preparation of planting beds and containers, selection of plant varieties including tomatoes, best watering practices and managing diseases and problems - lessons learned from a real garden.
Location: Mill Valley Public Library
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Speaker: Anne-Marie Walker is a lifelong gardener and long-time UC Marin Master Gardener that has been certified by the University of California as a trainer for Sustainable Landscapes, has attended further training at the UC Arboretum and Public Garden at UC Davis, founded a UC award-winning program teaching third and fourth grade students about edible gardening and chaired a public garden maintained by UC Marin Master Gardeners. In addition, Anne-Marie has held positions in the UC Marin Master Gardeners organization and serves on Belvedere’s Parks and Open Space Committee