South American Palm Weevil (SAPW) has been reported on 35 plant species in 12 different families.
Primary host plants, in which the SAPW can live and reproduce, include several palm species common in California as well as sugarcane. The insect's primary hosts include several agricultural crop plants to which SAPW has been proven economically detrimental.
Secondary host plants can harbor SAPW as it undergoes one or several developmental stages, but not its complete life-cycle.
Additionally, there are a multitude of plant species on which adult SAPW can feed but not reproduce.
- Guadalupe palm, Brahea edulis
- Blue fan palm, Brahea armata
- Senegal palm, Phoenix reclinata
- Chilean wine palm, Jubaea chilensis
- Canary Island date palm, Phoenix canariensis
- Bermuda palmetto, Sabal bermudana
- Kamalo pritchardia, Pritchardia munroi
- Alakai Swamp pritchardia or loulu, Pritchardia minor
- Palma de Pasobaya or Bolivian mountain coconut, Parajubaea torallyi
- Bismarck palm, Bismarckia nobilis
- Triangle palm, Dypsis decaryi
Known host palms that have not yet been attacked in California include:
- Edible date palms, Phoenix dactylifera
- Mexican fan palms, Washingtonia robusta
- King/Queen/Royal palms, Archonophoenix/Syagrus/Roystonea
Concerningly, the native California palm, Washingtonia filifera, may be vulnerable to attack by SAPW.
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is also a primary host for SAPW.
- Gru gru palm
- Pineapple
- Sugar apple
- Soursop
- Black Roseau palm
- Bamboo
- Beet
- Turnip
- Paw paw
- Bamboo palm
- Watermelon
- Orange
- Dasheen
- Cucumber
- Pumpkin
- Wild carrot
- Pineapple
- Custard apple
- Fosberg breadfruit
- Papaya
- Citrus
- Mango
- Banana
- Avocado
- Guava
- Cocoa