, CA

- San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture
- Green Gardener San Joaquin County
- UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials Facebook
- UC Landscape Plant Trials
Landscape Horticulture/Water ConservationAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Ornamental Crops, Landscape and Turf
- Ornamentals / Landscape / Turf - Other
- Ornamentals / Landscape / Turf - General
- Arboreta and Botanical Gardens
- Bedding / Garden Plants
- Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes and Tubers
- Cut Flowers, Foliage and Greens
- Ground Covers
- Landscape - General
- Potted Plants
- Trees - Christmas
- Trees - Ornamental / Landscape / Shade
- Turf / Sod
- Woody Shrubs and Ornamental Vines
- Parks and Urban Green Space
- Horticulture
- Plants and Their Systems
- Plant Protection
- Insects, Mites, and Other Arthropods Affecting Plants
- Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants
- Weeds Affecting Plants
- Vertebrates, Mollusks, and Other (Non Arthropod, Pathogen, Nematode, Weed) Pests
- Biological Control of Pests Affecting Plants
- Integrated Pest Management Systems
- Beneficial Insects
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Conservation and Efficient Use of Water
- Urban Forestry
- Pollution Prevention and Mitigation
- Conservation of Biological Diversity
- Interact With the Media
- Financial Systems
- Dafis User
- Dafis Decision Support User
- Research and Extension Centers
- Master Gardeners
- Ipm
- Invasives
- Weeds
- Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases
- Water Quality, Quantity, and Security
Peer Reviewed
- Reid, K.; Gable, M. (2020). University-trained volunteers use demonstration gardens as tools for effective and transformative community education. Acta Hortic. ISHS. 1298, 85-90. December. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.13
- Reid, K.; Sisneroz, J., et al. (2019). Evaluating landscape rose performance on reduced irrigation. Acta Hortic. 1232, 151-156. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1232.23
- Hartin, J.; Fujino, D., et al. (2019). UC ANR research and education influences landscape water conservation and public policy. California Agriculture. 73:1, 25-32. Feb. 1. https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.2018a0041
- Reid, K.; Fujino, D., et al. (2018). Maintaining urban landscape health and services on reduced irrigation: a multi-site study in best management practices. Acta Hortic. 1215, 175-180.
- Hartin, J.S.; D.W., Fujino, et al. (2018). Water Requirements of Landscape Plants Studies Conducted by the University of California Researchers. HortTechnology. 28:4, 422-426. Aug.
Oki, L.R., Reid, K. and Sisneroz, J. (2016). Landscape plant irrigation trials©. Acta Hortic. 1140, 145-150. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1140.3. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1140.31
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2013). "Irrigation and climate zone trials of perennial plants for sustainable landscapes." Acta Horticulturae (ISHS - International Society of Horticultural Science) 980: 95-102.
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2008). "Field trials identify more native plants suited to urban landscapes." California Agriculture 62(3): 97-104.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Reid, K. (2021). Expanding Your Landscape Plant Choices Beyond WUCOLS. Offshoot.B. Miller. California Landscape Contractors Association San Diego Chapter. pp.10-11. July. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d1a3ad1e4d9d500017eb799/t/6102c29901910e5ee37025e1/1627570843130/Offshoot_July2021_WS.pdf
- Reid, K. (2021). Finding Balance in a World of Pests. California Landscape Design.M. Elias. Association of Professional Landscape Designers California Chapter. January. https://www.californialandscapedesign.org/
- Reid, K. (2020). Best Plants in Low Water Field Trials Name Blue Ribbon™ Winners. Pacific Horticulture.E. Zagory. August. https://www.pacifichorticulture.org/articles/best-plants-in-low-water-field-trials-named-blue-ribbon-winners/
- Reid, K. (2020). Learning to Love Natural Enemies. Landscape Lush Blog. June 30. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=42912
Reid, K., (2020) Summary of Key Environmental Characteristics of Selected Pre-emergent Herbicides. Index created for PAPA Seminar, Oct. 2020. https://ucanr.edu/sites/sjcoeh/files/338496.pdf
- Reid, K. (2020). The Quest for the Best. Pacific Horticulture.E. Zagory. July. https://www.pacifichorticulture.org/articles/the-quest-for-the-best/
- Reid, K.; Sisneroz, J., et al. (2020). UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials Results for 2017-2019. February. https://ucanr.edu/sites/UCLPIT/files/323474.pdf
- Reid, K.; Sisneroz, J., et al. (2019). Irrigation trials results for Kurapia cultivars 2016-2018. https://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk1376/files/inline-files/Kurapia%20-New%20White%202016-2018_final%20V.2.pdf
- Reid, K.; Sisneroz, J., et al. (2019). UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials Final Report 2016-2018. https://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk1376/files/inline-files/UCLPIT%20Final%20Report%202016-2018.pdf
- Reid, K. (2018). Am I Watering Enough? Landscape Lush Blog. Jul. 16. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=27738
Reid K., M. Schwartz, and D. Fujino. (Feb. 2018) Evaluating new landscape rose introductions for sustainability in California. 2017 Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment Progress Report. Accessed by: http://ucanr.edu/sites/SaratogaHort/files/279664.pdf
- Reid, K. (2018). Hort Industry Invited to Spring 2018 Open House Ratings Day. Nursery Management.M. McClellan. Mar. 19. http://www.nurserymag.com/article/hort-industry-invited-uc-landscape-plant-irrigation-ratings/
- Reid, K. (2018). Key to Lush Trees: A Good Drink! Landscape Lush Blog. May 14. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=27169
- Reid, K. (2018). Lessons from the Lorax: Tend Your Trees! Landscape Lush Blog. Feb. 22. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=26424
- Reid, K. (2018). The Landscape Below Ground. Landscape Lush Blog. Nov. 13. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=28672
- Reid, K. (2018). The Landscape Below Ground II: To fertilize or not to fertilize. Landscape Lush Blog. Nov. 29. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=28792
Reid K., D. Fujino, L. Oki, and J. Sisneroz (Mar. 2018). UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials; Final Report 2014-2016. Accessed by https://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk1376/files/inline-files/Irrigation%20Trials%20Final%20Report%202014-2016.pdf
Reid, K., Oki, L., Sisneroz, J. (June 2018). UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials Final Report 2015-2017. Accessed by https://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk1376/files/inline-files/UCLPIT%20Final%20Report%202015-2017_0.pdf
- Reid, K. (2017). A Rose Is a Rose – or Is It? Landscape Lush Blog. Dec. 30. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=26424
- Reid, K. (2017). Low-water vs. Drought-tolerant. Landscape Lush Blog. Nov. 6. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=25612
Reid, K. (August 2016) Green Notes 6(1). San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. Articles:
- Strategies for Water Efficiency III:
- Water update
- Rebates
- System Upgrades
- Turf reduction
- Converting Sprays to Drip
- Using the New WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species)
- Plant this: Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
- Strategies for Water Efficiency III:
Reid, K., L. Oki and J. Sisneroz (2016). Ornamental plant trials for the sustainable urban landscape: Evaluating performance on reduced water, ISHS 6th International Symposium on Landscape & Urban Horticulture, Athens, Greece.
Reid, K., L. Oki and J. Sisneroz (2016). Development of landscape establishment irrigation recommendations for California native plant species, ISHS 6th International Symposium on Landscape & Urban Horticulture, Athens, Greece.
Reid, K. (2016) Green Gardener: University extension education for professional gardeners in sustainable landscape practices, ISHS 6th International Symposium on Landscape & Urban Horticulture, Athens, Greece.
Reid, K. (May 2016). UCCE Learning Landscape Sustainability Features. Outreach brochure for county demonstration garden.
Reid, K., L. Oki, and J. Sisneroz (July 2015). Irrigation Trials Results for Kurapia® 2012-2014. Final technical report. http://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/Publications/kurapia/kurapia-irrigation-trial-results
Sisneroz, J., L. Oki and K. Reid (2015). California Native Plant Establishment Trials. Poster presented at the 3rd International Plant Trials Conference, Portland, Oregon.
Reid K., D. Fujino, L. Oki, and J. Sisneroz (Oct. 2015). Ornamental plant trials for the new California garden: Evaluating new landscape plants for sustainable characteristics on reduced water. Final research report for Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment. Accessed by http://ucanr.edu/sites/SaratogaHort/files/218994.pdf
Reid, K., D. Fujino, L. Oki, and J. Sisneroz (2015). UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials: evaluating new introductions on reduced irrigation for summer-dry climates. Poster presented at the 3rd International Plant Trials Conference, Portland, Oregon.
Reid, K. (March 2015) Green Notes 5(1). San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. Articles:
- Strategies for Water Efficiency II: Timing and Scheduling
- The Catch Can Test Calculations
- Preventing Runoff: Cycle & Soak
- Plant this: Ceanothus ‘Concha’
- Reid, K. (2015). 6 Ways to Reduce Water Use without Killing Your Garden. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Blog. April 20. http://ucanr.edu/?blogpost=17436&blogasset=74534
- Sisneroz, J.; Reid, K., et al. (2015). UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials Compendium of Results. California Center for Urban Horticulture. by http://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/Resources/TrialsOverview2.pdf
- Reid, K. (2015). "UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials Facebook Page." from https://www.facebook.com/UCLPIT/.
- Reid, K.; Fujino, D., et al. (2014). Continued evaluations of the water use and climate zone tolerance of landscape ornamentals for sustainable California gardens. Report for Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment. 2010-2012. January 2014. http://ucanr.edu/sites/SaratogaHort/files/198979.pdf
- Reid, K.; Fujino, D., et al. (2014). Drought Tips for Landscape Managers. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. 4. June 2014.
- Reid, K. (2014). Evaluating Ornamental Plant Performance on Deficit Irrigation. Plant Responses to Drought and Salinity Symposium of the 29th International Horticultural Congress (Research abstract). Brisbane, Australia.
- Reid, K. (2014). Green Gardener: University Extension in Sustainable Practices for Landscape Professionals. Urban Horticulture Symposium of the 29th International Horticultural Congress. Brisbane, Australia.
- Reid, K. (November 2014). Green Notes 4(3). San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. Articles:
- Strategies for Water Efficiency
- Performing a Catch Can Test
- The DU Calculations
- Plant this: Salvia microphylla- mint bush sage
- Reid, K. (2014). Landscaping with Native Oaks. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. 4. January 2014.
- Reid, K. (2014). Plant this: Arctostaphylos densiflora âHoward McMinnâ. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 3. February 2013.
- Reid, K. (2014). Plant this: Crataegus phanaepyrum (Washington hawthorn). Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. 4. January 2014.
- Reid, K. (2014). Plant This: Rosa 'Korbin' (Iceberg rose). Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. 4. June 2014.
- Reid, K. (2014). Shrub Planting and Care. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 3. February 2013.
- Reid, K. (2014). Shrub Planting Mistakes. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 3. February 2013.
- Reid, K. (2014). Some Plants Compatible with Native Oak Trees. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. 4. January 2014.
- Reid, K. (2014). Some Truly Low-water Plants for the Valley. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture Newsletter. 4. June 2014.
- Reid, K. (2014). Tell Your Customers about Mulch. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM (Integrated Pest Management) News. University of California Integrated Pest Management. 4. March 2014.
- Reid, K.; Fujino, D., et al. (2013). Expanding evaluations of the water use and climate zone tolerance of landscape ornamentals for sustainable California gardens. Final Report for Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment 2010-2012. January 2013. http://ucanr.edu/sites/SaratogaHort/files/159956.pdf
- Reid, K. (2013). Got Mulch? What's Growing On. San Joaquin County Master Gardeners Newsletter. March 2013.
- Reid, K. (2013). Got Mulch? Using mulch in the Landscape. Field Notes. San Joaquin County. May 2013.
- Reid, K. (2013). Landscape Runoff. What's the Big Deal? What's Growing On. San Joaquin County Master Gardeners Newsletter. May/June 2013.
- Reid, K. (2013). Managing fireblight in pears. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 3. July 2013.
- Reid, K. (2013). Plant this: Callistemon citrinus 'Violaceus'. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 3. July 2013.
- Reid, K. (2013). Planting Landscape Trees - a few fall reminders. What's Growing On. San Joaquin County Master Gardeners Newsletter. December 2013.
- Reid, K. (2013). Shrub Selection and Care. What's Growing On. San Joaquin County Master Gardeners Newsletter. September 2013.
- Reid, K. (2013). The War on Weeds. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 3. July 2013.
- Reid, K. (2012). 5 key strategies for runoff prevention. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. May 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). 6 ways to reduce your greenwaste. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. January 2012.
- Reid, K.; Oki, L.R. (2012). "Evaluating the water use and climate zone tolerance of ornamental plants for sustainable landscapes." HortScience 47(9): S208.
- Reid, K. (2012). Got mulch? What, why, and how. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. September 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Groundcovers for under trees. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. January 2012.
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2012). Irrigation Trials Results. Research Report for Ball Ornamentals. February 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Landscape runoff: whatâs the big deal? Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. May 2012.
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2012). Plant evaluations for sustainable landscapes: irrigation and climate zone trials. ANR SI Water Program Team Meetings (Poster). January 31, 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Plant this: Bulbine frutescens âHallmarkâ, cape balsam. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. September 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Plant this: Kniphofia âChristmas Cheerâ. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. January 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Plant this: Lavandula stoechas âOtto Quastâ, Spanish lavender. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. May 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Plants for bioswales. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. May 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Sapsucker damage mimics borers. What's Growing On. San Joaquin County Master Gardeners Newsletter. October 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Sapsucker damage mimics borers. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. September 2012.
- Reid, K. (2012). Trees in turf. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 2. January 2012.
- Reid, K. (2011). 6 great trees to plant instead of redwoods. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. October 2011.
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2011). Evaluating the Water Usage and Climate Zone Tolerances of Potential âUC Davis Arboretum All-Starsâ Plant Introductions for Shade. Progress Report for Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment. 2009-2010. February 2011. http://ucanr.edu/sites/SaratogaHort/Funded_Projects/
- Reid, K. (2011). Managing Mistletoe. Field Notes. San Joaquin County Farm Newsletter. May 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Managing mistletoe. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. June 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Much ado about honeydew: monitoring, managing, and controlling causes. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. October 2011.
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2011). Perennial plant evaluations for sustainable landscapes: irrigation and climate zone trials. 1st International Trials Conference. Wisley, UK. 15. July 4-7, 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Plant this: Delosperma cooperi, Cooperâs ice plant. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. October 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Plant this: Heteromeles arbutifolia, toyon. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. March 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Plant this: pineapple guava, Acca sellowiana. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. June 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Pruning and treating wounds in landscape trees. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. March 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Spring scalping speeds greening of bermudagrass cultivars. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. June 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011, October 2011). "The 5 elements of an IPM program." Green Notes 1,
- Reid, K. (2011). Unraveling ETAF: the evapotranspiration adjustment factor. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. June 2011.
- Reid, K. (2011). Water efficiency: todayâs hot button issue. Green Notes. San Joaquin County Environmental Horticulture. 1. March 2011.
- Reid, K.; Haver, D., et al. (2009). 5 Easy Steps to Setting Your Irrigation Controller, Northern and Southern California versions. Sponsored jointly by UCCE, CalFed Bay-Delta Program, and the State Water Resources Control Board. http://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/projects/landscape-water-conservation/water-conservation-links
- Reid, K.; Haver, D., et al. (2009). Features of a Water Conserving Landscape. Sponsored jointly by UCCE, CalFed Bay-Delta Program, and the State Water Resources Control Board. http://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/projects/landscape-water-conservation/Features_WC%20landscape_finalcmprss.pdf
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2009). Front Yard Run-Off: Why Does It Matter? Sponsored jointly by UCCE, CalFed Bay-Delta Program, and the State Water Resources Control Board. http://ccuh.ucdavis.edu/projects/Urban%20Run-Off%20Water%20Quality%20Research/Pin51_summaryflyer_print.pdf
- Reid, K.; Haver, D., et al. (2009). Urban runoff study motivates change in landscape practices. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.edu/delivers/?impact=819&delivers=1
- Reid, K.; Oki, L. (2008). Field trials identify more native plants suitable for urban landscapes. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.edu/delivers/?impact=710&delivers=1
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Floriculture and Nursery - Member
- Pest Management in ANR - Member