ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Tune into the UC ANR Monthly Town Hall Meetings

Intended Audience

ANR Employees across the state are welcome to join. 


As part of an ongoing effort to share information across the entire UC ANR family, these meetings will be offered virtually. Each meeting will be brief and to the point and will include the following three elements:

1. "UC ANR in action" – stories from the field and staff,

2. Updates from staff and leadership, and

3. "Learning" - such as, health and safety training, etc.

Send suggestions for these meetings to your Staff Assembly Ambassador or to Pam Kan-Rice


Save the 2024 Dates
Every Third Thursday from 2-3 PM

  • July 18
  • September 19
  • October 17
  • November 21
  • December 19

Zoom Information
Webinar ID: 996 2399 2699
Password: 680692

One tap mobile: US: +16699006833,,99623992699#
Telephone: US +1 669 900 6833
International numbers available:


Click here to add the monthly Town Hall to your calendar!

2023 Meetings

December [Recording] - Winter Faire 2023
November [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
October  [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
September [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
August no Town Hall this month
July  [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
June  STAR Awards this month! [Recording]
May [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
April no Town Hall because of the UC ANR Statewide Conference!
March [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
February [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
January [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]

2022 Meetings


2021 Meetings

December [Flyer] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
November [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [New Hires]
October [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [Q&A]


[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [Q&A] [New Hires] [SALC presentation and survey]

Q&A for the Accellion presentation is not included per the presenter's request. That Q&A was sent to every ANR employee on July 27 from Glenda Humiston. Email if you need the link. 


Accellion Breach 
[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [Q&A]


Special Staff Recognition Event/Star Awards
[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda


Hub for Urban Living and Vaccine Messaging
[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [Q&A]


Staying Safe in the Workplace
[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [Q&A]


Vaccine Messaging by Dr. George Rutherford 
[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda[Q&A]


ANR @work survey 
[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [Q&A]


Black History Month
[Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] [Q&A]


2020 Meetings

December [Flyer] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
November [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
October [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
September [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] - Hispanic Heritage Month
August [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
July [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
June [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda] - Special Staff Meeting and Recognition Event
May [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
April [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
March [Recording] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
February [Recording not available] [PowerPoint & Agenda]
January [Recording not available] [PowerPoint & Agenda]


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