ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees


For UC ANR Employees > "UC ANR Committees"

UC ANR Committees

Vision and Direction




Primary contact

President’s Advisory Commission

Provide support on UC ANR to the President of UC

UCOP President + invited representatives + Senior Leadership

Glenda Humiston

Governing Council


UC Advisory body to UC ANR VP and President of UC

Appointed representatives from across UC system (campuses & UCOP)

Glenda Humiston

Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

UC ANR strategic coordination (monthly)

VP, AVPs, Chief of Staff

Glenda Humiston

Dean's Council

UC ANR- Campus connections (Quarterly)

Deans + ELT

Glenda Humiston

Program Council (PC)

Updates, Set Policy and Direction (Monthly)

Senior leadership, Assoc Deans, SI leaders, Members at large

Brent Hales

VP Council

Updates, identify issues, provide input and be a sounding board (Quarterly)

ELT + SLT + Statewide Programs and Unit Directors

Glenda Humiston

UCCE County Directors (R&E Council)

Updates, Projects, Issues, Training, Admin (Calls Monthly – Meetings quarterly)

County Directors (subset)

Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty

REC Directors

Updates, identify issues, provide input and be a sounding board (calls monthly meets quarterly)

REC Directors

Darren Haver

Second St. All Hands Meeting

Updates, build sense of belonging  (Quarterly)

All UC ANR personnel based at 2nd Street building in Davis


County offices

Updates, build sense of belonging (Monthly)

All county personnel

County Director






Primary contact

Academic Assembly

Works with Academics on UC Academic Assembly Council

UC ANR Rep with other academic reps

Daniel Obrist

Merits and Promotions

Evaluates Academic Reviews annually

Committee members

Daniel Obrist

Second St Operations Committee

Meets monthly

Committee members  

Staff Assembly

Build staff connections with and across UC ANR

With Staff Ambassadors, represent staff needs

Saoimanu Sope

Ethics Compliance and Risk Committee

Ethics, Compliance and Risk Management.  Meeting Quarterly in Oakland.

Senior Leadership + CECO + LDO + Controller + CIO +CISO UCOP ECAS + our ANR Attorney + Invited Directors

Brian Oatman

4-H Foundation Board

Funding strategy

Board members and Development services rep.

Carolyn Warne





Primary contact

Strategic Initiatives (SI)

The research- extension umbrella – to Unify, Advocate and Communicate what we do (Quarterly with PC)

SI Leaders + Panel members + all doing relevant work

Helen Dahlke

Program Teams/ Workgroups

Lead by individuals

Open to all doing relevant work

Brent Hales

Statewide Programs (SWP)

Directors meet online weekly to share updates from leadership and coordinate efforts

SWP and institute directors plus the AVP, Chief  of Staff, and Director, Statewide Programs and REC Operations

Greg Ira & Directors

Communications Advisory Board (CAB)

Provides input for educational and strategic communications (California Ag, publications, websites, etc.) + oversees ANR peer reviews

Identified + invited + self-nominations

Dustin Blakey


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