4-H Animal Science projects are popular because kids love animals! Raising an animal involves responsibility and commitment - you have a living being dependent on you. Things you will learn:
- Characteristics of your animal's breed.
- The importance of nutrition and exercise for good health.
- Ways to ensure your animal's enclosure keeps them safe.
- How to limit the spread of disease.
And so much more!
The availability of Animal Science projects varies by club and county. Please check with your club and county 4-H office to see what kind of projects are available.
Can I do an Animal Science project if I don't own an animal?
Yes! You don't have to own an animal to participate in an animal science project. Some clubs and counties have partnerships to house animals for youth who don't have the space at their homes for an animal.
Do you have to take your animal to fair?
No. No one is required to raise a fair animal or to show or sell their animal at fair. Going to fair requires a high degree of preparation. If you choose to do so, your project leader will work with you to prepare you.
Animal Science Events
California Fairs

California fairs are organized and run independently of the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program. Each fair sets their own rules and guidelines. 4-H members participate in fairs in accordance with fair guidelines and within 4-H policy guidelines.
The Animal Science project page on the CA 4-H Resource Center has additional information for 4-H families and volunteers to prepare for fair.
State and National Competitions
Every year California 4-H is well represented by a variety of teams competing at national contests. To compete in national contests 4-H youth must first qualify at a State Qualifying Event.
Please go to our Animal Science Project Resource page on the CA 4-H Resource Center for more information on guidelines for state and national contests and roles and responsibilities for attendees at National Contests.
State Qualifying Events
To compete in national contests 4-H youth must first qualify at a State Qualifying Event. Please see the Animal Science Project page on the CA 4-H Resource Center for updates on the status of these contests.
Livestock Judging - UC Davis CA & ES Field Day
The UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (UC Davis CA & ES) Field Day is the first Friday and Saturday of March. The top 3 teams in the Senior 4-H division will quality to participate in a national 4-H competition.
Livestock Skillathon - California Youth Ag Expo (CYAE)
The top 4 youth in the 14-18 year old category at CYAE will be eligible to qualify for the National 4-H Livestock Skillathon.
Dairy Cattle Judging - New for 2025: hosted by Modesto Junior College
4-H Dairy Judging Contest - Information The top four 4-H youth in the Senior division will qualify for the National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest.
Avian Bowl State Qualifier - New for 2025: Held at the 4-H State Field Day
Senior 4-H team members can qualify for the 4-H National Poultry and Egg Conference.
National Competitions
Livestock Judging & Livestock Skillathon
- North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) (Louisville, KY)
- American Royal (Kansas City, MO)
- Western National Roundup (Denver, CO)
National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging
- World Dairy Expo (Madison, WI)
Poultry Judging & Avian Bowl
4-H National Poultry and Egg Conference (Louisville, KY)
Project Sheets
Project Sheets are a guide for Project Leaders to develop their projects with meaningful content. You may reference these as a guide for the types of projects you might be interested in for this area.
- Avian Bowl
- Bird
- Embryology
- Pets and Small Animals
- Poultry
- Poultry: Market
Small Animals
- Amphibians
- Bees
- Cats
- Cavy
- Dog
- Entomology
- Guide Dogs and Service Animals
- Pets and Small Animals
- Rabbit
- Reptile
- Therapeutic Animals- Small Animals
- Goats
- Goats: Dairy
- Goats: Meat/Market
- Goats: Nigerian
- Goats: Pygmy
Large Animals
- Marine Biology
- Veterinary Science
- Veterinary Science: Biosecurity
- Zoology
Resources for 4-H Members and Volunteers
Please see the California 4-H Resource Center for 4-H members and volunteers for curriculum and information about Animal Science projects.

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