University of California
Dev Test!

Mark L. Gaskell Ph.D.

Photo of Mark L Gaskell Ph.D.
Emeritus - Farm Advisor
Cooperative Extension Santa Barbara County
2156 Sierra Way
Suite C
San Luis Obispo, CA, CA 93401 Create VCard

Also in:
Santa Barbara County


Ph.D. Crop Physiology and Production, Iowa State University. 1980
M.S. Crop Physiology and Production, Iowa State. 1978



Specialty crops, small fruit crops, vegetables, sustainable agriculture, small farms in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Gaskell, M. (2016). "Evaluation of emerging interplant primocane thinning alternatives in an established 5-year-old Prime-Ark 45 blackberry planting." Acta Horticulturae (ISHS-International Society for Horticultural Science) 1133: 207- 210.
  • Gaskell, M.; Daugovish, O. (2016). "Management of primocane fruiting blackberries for extended harvest in a mild winter climate." Acta Horticulturae (ISHS-International Society for Horticultural Science) 1133: 283-290.
  • Murrietta, M.E.; Gaskell, M. (2016). "Redberry mite population differences in two Rubus spp. on California's Central Coast. Acta Hortic. 1133, 431-436." Acta Horticulturae (ISHS-International Society for Horticultural Science) 1133: 431-436.
  • Gaskell, M. (2014). Primocane Blackberries Add an Important New Alternative for California Small Fruit Producers. UC Delivers.. UCANR. UCANR.
  • Gaskell, M (2014). Small fruit research and training program with the Moroccan Agronomic Research Foundation. 21st Annual MACECE Fulbright Symposium, Rabat, Morocco, Moroccan - American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange.
  • Gaskell, M (2014). Specialty Coffee Production is a New Crop Alternative in Mild Winter Areas of California. UC Delivers.. UCANR. UCANR.
  • Aegerter, Brenna, Richard Smith, Eric Natwick, Mark Gaskell, and Ellie Rilla (2013). Pumpkin production in California. Davis, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources ANR publication (revision). No 7222.
  • Bottoms, Thomas G; Bolda, Mark P, et al. (2013). "Determination of Strawberry Nutrient Optimum Ranges through Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System Analysis." HortTechnology 23(3): 312-318.
  • Muramoto, J., S.R. Gliessman, C. Shennan, T. Pisani Gareau, K.L. Monsen,; S. Pedersen, M.P. Bolda, O. Daugovish, C.T. Bull, C. Li, J. Leap, D., et al. (2013). "The organic research network project on the central coast of California." Acta Hort. (ISHS 1001: 35-45.
  • Smith, R.; Bugg, R., et al. (2012). Cover cropping for vegetable production. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications.
  • Gaskell, M.; Smith, R., et al. (2012). Effects on soil nitrogen fertility management. Cover cropping for vegetable production: A grower's handbook.R. Smith, R. Bugg, O. Daugovish, M. Gaskell and M. Van Horn. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications.
  • Gaskell, M.; Hartz, T. (2011). "Application of the "4H" Nutrient Stewardship Concept to Horticultural Crops: Selecting the "Right" Nutrient Source." HortTechnology 21(6): 663-666.
  • Tourte, L.; Gaskell, M. (2011). Business and marketing plans for organic operations. An overview. Organic vegetable production manual.. M.E. McGiffen. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications. 11-18.
  • Bolda, M.; Gaskell, M., et al. (2011). Business and marketing plans for organic operations. An overview. Fresh market caneberry production manual.M. Bolda, M. Gaskell, M. Cahn, E. Mitcham and . (editors). Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications.
  • Faber, B.; Gaskell, M., et al. (2011). Growing crops. Small Farm Handbook.L. Tourte and B. Faber. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications. 101-124.
  • Gaskell, M.; Smith, R., et al. (2011). Soil fertility management for organic crops. Organic vegetable production manual.. M.E. McGiffen. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications. 29-38.
  • Hartz, T.; Smith, R., et al. (2010). "Nitrogen availability from liquid organic fertilizers." HortTechnology 20: 169-172.
  • Gaskell, M. (2009). Growth and development. UCIPM Pest Management Guidelines for Caneberries. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications.
  • Gaskell, M.; Bolda, M., et al. (2009). "Strawberry nitrogen fertilization from organic nutrient sources." Acta Horticulturae 842: 385-388.
  • Gaskell, M. (2009). Tunnel culture. UCIPM Pest Management Guidelines for Caneberries. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publications.
  • Gaskell, M. (2009). "Yield and fruit quality of southern highbush blueberries at varying planting density and row spacing." Acta Horticulturae 810: 489-494.
  • Gaskell, M.; Smith, R. (2007). "Nitrogen sources for organic vegetable crops." HortTechnology 17: 431-441.
  • Takele, E.; Faber, B., et al. (2007). Sample costs to establish and produce blueberries in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties Conventional production. University of California BR-SC-07.
  • Takele, E.; Faber, B., et al. (2007). Sample costs to establish and produce blueberries in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties Organic production. University of California BR-SC-07-0.
  • Tourte, L.; Gaskell, M., et al. (2006). Organic certification, farm planning, management, and marketing. Organic Vegetable Production in California Series. UC DANR Publication.
  • Gaskell, M.; Smith, R., et al. (2006). Soil fertility management for organic crops. Organic Vegetable Production in California Series. UC DANR Publication.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). "Field tunnels permit off-season harvest of small fruits in California." Acta Horticulturae 659: 425-430.
  • Tourte, L.; Gaskell, M. (2004). "Horticultural auction markets: Linking small farms with consumer demand." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 19(3): 129-134.
  • Gaskell, M.; Fouche, C., et al. (2000). "Organic vegetable production in California -- Science and Practice." HortTechnology 10(4): 699-713.
  • Fouche, C.; Gaskell, M., et al. (2000). Organic vegetable production in California: Insect pest management for organic crops. UC DANR Publication.
  • Gaskell, M.; Smith, R., et al. (2000). Organic vegetable production in California: Organic certification, farm production planning, and marketing. UC DANR Publication.
  • Mitchell, J.; Gaskell, M., et al. (2000). Organic vegetable production in California: Organic soil management and soil quality. UC DANR Publication.
  • Koike, C.; Gaskell, M., et al. (2000). Organic vegetable production in California: Plant disease management for organic crops. UC DANR Publication.
  • Gaskell, M.; Mitchell, J., et al. (2000). Organic vegetable production in California: Soil fertility managment for organic crops. UC DANR Publication.
  • Smith, R.; Lanini, T., et al. (2000). Organic vegetable production in California: Weed management for organic crops. UC DANR Publication.
  • Voss, R.; Phillips, H., et al. (1999). New specialty potato varieties give farmers growing and marketing options. California Agriculture. 53, 16-20.
  • Mollinar, R.; Aguiar, J., et al. (1999). Summer squash production in California. UC DANR Publication.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Cherimoya Marketing. Saticoy, CA, California Cherimoya Association.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Edible pod pea production in California. Vegetable Production Series. UC DANR Publication.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Marketing Specialty Crops. Risk Management Education "Train the Trainer". Washington D.C, United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Gaskell, M.; Smith, R. (1997). Pumpkin production in California. Vegetable Production Series. UC DANR Publication.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Farahat-Laroussi, B.; Hamim, A., et al. (2016). Conduit Technique de la Myrtille. Bulletin Mensuel de Liaison et d'Information du PNTTA TRANSFERT DE TECHNOLOGIE EN AGRICULTURE. Rabat, Morocco, Hassan II National Agronomic and Veterinary Institute. 203, 1-7. July.
  • Gaskell, M. (2016) Organic Blueberry Production - Nutrient Management Requirements in Mild Winter Areas of California. Progressive Crop Consultant 1, 15-21
  • Gaskell, Mark (2014). European Grape Vine Moth in Chilean Blueberries Forces Additional Fumigation Requirements. California Agricultural Highlights. San Luis Obispo, CA, San Luis Obispo County UCCE. March, 2014.
  • Mark Gaskell, * Mark Bolda (2013). Mow-down and tip pruning management of primocane blackberries in coastal California. ASHS Annual Meetings.A. ASHS. Palm Desert, CA, American Society for Horticultural Science.
  • Gaskell, M. (2012). CIMIS Information Website Offers Help with Irrigation Scheduling. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. July 2012.
  • Hardesty, S.; Baameur, A.., et al. (2011). Farming For Success: Effective Management Of Farming For Success. UC Sustainable Food Systems Initiative Conference. UC Davis. October 12, 2011.
  • Gaskell, M. (2010). California organic program questioned in audit of national organic program and is implementing changes in program management. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. June 2010.
  • Gaskell, M. (2010). "Examining the 4R Concept of Nutrient Management: Right nutrient source." Hortscience 45(8): 30.
  • Gaskell, M. (2010). Groundwater information sources. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. June 2010.
  • Gaskell, M. (2010). Important soil and water acidification changes for organic blueberry growers. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. September 2010.
  • Gaskell, M.; Dickson, K., et al. (2010). "Soil and plant nitrogen and organic strawberry fruit yield associated with varying rates of N applied as different certified organic N sources." Hortscience 45(8): 239.
  • Gaskell, M. (2010). Summary of organic N management for caneberries. Grower handout. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. January 26, 2010.
  • Gaskell, M.; Dickson, K., et al. (2010). "Varying Rates of Pre-plant Controlled Release N and In-season Fertigated N Affect Soil and Plant N and Strawberry Fruit Yield." Hortscience 45(8): 228.
  • Gaskell, M. (2009). Flaming for weed control on small farms and orchards. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 1. May 2009.
  • Gaskell, M. (2009). Off season blueberry production: a new option on Coastal California family farms. UC Delivers Success Story.
  • Bianchi, M.; Lubell, M., et al. (2008). Attitudes and actions: evaluating producer responses to watershed management systems on California's Central Coast. USDA - CSREES National Water Quality Conference. Sparks, NV. February 3-7, 2008.
  • Gaskell, M. (2008). How to use market signals to guide production (in Spanish). Strawberry and Vegetable Bulletin. Santa Maria, UCCE Santa Barbara County. March 2008.
  • Faber, B.; Gaskell, M. (2008). Light brown apple moth invades Santa Barbara County. Central Coast Farm and Ranch. 5:4, 12-14.
  • Graves, L.; Garner, L., et al. (2008). "The effects of plant growth regulator spray regime and girdling on fruit retention of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour) trees." Hortscience 43(4): 1191.
  • Graves, L.; Garner, L., et al. (2008). The effects of plant growth regulator spray regime and girdling on fruit retention of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour) trees. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Orlando, FL. July 21-24, 2008.
  • Gaskell, M. (2008). Yield and fruit quality of southern highbush blueberries at varying plant density and row spacing. ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science) Vaccinium Symposium. Corvallis, OR. July 13-15, 2008.
  • Gaskell, M. (2007). Effect of planting density on blueberry yield and fruit quality. Blueberry Grower Meeting. UC Kearney Agriculture Center, Parlier, CA. May 16, 2007.
  • Gaskell, M. (2007). Overview of the US fresh blueberry industry. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. December 2007.
  • Gaskell, M.; Faber, B. (2007). Update on lychee and longan field trials and plantings in Southern California. Topics in Subtropics. 5:2, 2-4.
  • Gaskell, M. (2007). Update on lychee and longan field trials and plantings in southern California. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. July 2007.
  • Gaskell, M. (2007). Whole foods market local producer loan program. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. July 2007.
  • Gaskell, M. (2006). Effects of varying planting density on blueberry yield and fruit size. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. December 2006.
  • Gaskell, M. (2006). Federal crops insurance programs for blueberries and blackberries. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. June 2006.
  • Gaskell, M. (2006). "Organic nitrogen sources for vegetable crops." Hortscience 41(4): 957.
  • Mitcham, E.; Biasi, W., et al. (2006). "Sensory quality and postharvest performance of Southern Highbush blueberry cultivars grown in Southern California." Hortscience 41(4): 1043.
  • Tourte, L.; Gaskell, M. (2005). Business and market plans for organic operations. Organic Vegetable Crops Short Course Manual.. M. McGiffen (editor). UCCE Salinas, CA. January 18, 2005.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Initial meeting of the California blueberry association. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. March 2005.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Organic research program in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. Meeting the Research and Educational Needs of Organic and Transitional Farmers in California: SAREP's Organic Initiative. UC-SAREP, Davis, CA. January 19, 2005.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Post harvest evaluations of off-season California blueberries. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. June 2006.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Sensory evaluation of olive oil shortcourse. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. February 2005.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Soil and tissue nitrogen and fall cabbage yield associated with varying rates of nitrogen applied as different organic fertilizer sources. Part I. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. June 2005.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Soil and tissue nitrogen and fall cabbage yield associated with varying rates of nitrogen applied as different organic fertilizer sources. Part II. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. November 2005.
  • Gaskell, M.; Grande, R. (2005). "Soil and tissue nitrogen and fall cabbage yield associated with varying rates of nitrogen applied as different organic sources." Hortscience 40(4): 2005.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Strategies for off-season blueberry production on coastal California small farms. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. February 2006.
  • Gaskell, M. (2005). Winter fresh berry market could see changes with growing volume of fruit. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. February 2005.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). California coastal rural development corporation offers small business and farm loans. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. August 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). CalPoly - San Luis Obispo hosts discussion on genetically engineered crops in agriculture. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. October 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). Common recurring management problems with new blueberry plantings. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. May 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). Drip irrigation management guidelines for blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. October 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). First California-grown longans move into the market stream from experimental and commercial plantings. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. December 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). Identifying and adapting specialty crops on your farm. North American Direct Marketing Association. Sacramento, CA. 240-241.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). Nitrogen availability, supply and sources in organic row crops. California Organic Production and Farming in the New Millenium: A Research Symposium. Berkeley, CA, UC Sustainable Agriculture, Davis, CA. 13-20. July 15, 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). Organic farming research and extension in Santa Barbara County. California Organic Production and Farming in the New Millenium: A Research Symposium. Berkeley, CA, UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, Davis, CA. 112-115. July 15, 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). Organic vegetable production short course. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. December 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). Proceedings from organic farming symposium available on-line. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. December 2004.
  • Tourte, L.; Gaskell, M. (2004). Small-scale farmers II: A feasibility study for establishment of pilot project cooperative auctions in California (Phase II). October 15, 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2004). The effects of green manure, compost and feather mean on soil nitrogen dynamics and bell pepper yield. Organic Farming Research Foundation Information Bulletin. 13, 12-14.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Agricultural peak load reduction program. A grant program for agriculture efficiency. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. February 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Changing U.S. demographices influence eating habits. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. August 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Consumer driven agriculture. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. August 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Market-driven fruit and vegetable production, niche markets, and the "pull" of the marketplace. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. December 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). New education and incentive rebate program for improving irrigation pumping plant efficiency. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. February 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Production periods for selected southern highbush blueberry cultivars in San Luis Obispo County. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. June 2003.
  • Gaskell, M.; Moreno, M., et al. (2003). Raspberry Production Manual for Bolivia (in Spanish). Bolivian Highlands Agricultural Development Foundation. Cochabamba, Bolivia. July 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Season extension field day. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. February 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Top new speciallty fruits and vegetables. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. March 2004.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Using applied research to develop niche crops. 3rd National Small Farm Conference, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
  • Gaskell, M. (2003). Winter blueberry meeting. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. February 2003.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). Acid injection in irrigation water-improving pH adjustment for blueberries. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. October 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). Blueberry production in mild coastal growing areas. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. May 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). Challenges and opportunities for tree crops a risk management seminar and field day for coastal California growers. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 2. February 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). Global IPM facility. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. July 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). Guidelines for planting blueberries on mineral soils in California. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. December 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). Lychee and longan production and marketing in California. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. March 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). New website with organic agriculture at FAO section. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. July 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2002). Organic production and marketing overview. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. October 2002.
  • Gaskell, M.; Faber, B. (2002). Research update on lychee and longan as promising new fruit crops for California. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. July 2002.
  • Arevalo, J.; Gaskell, M. (2002). Technical sheet - Onion harvest and post-harvest management (in Spanish). Bolivian Highlands Agricultural Development Foundation. Cochabamba, Bolivia. March 2002.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). 2001 field trials with Edamame vegetable soybeans. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. September 2001.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). An important resource for farmers interested in exporting or international trade. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. February 2001.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). California fresh blueberry market windows. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4-8. March 2001.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). Efficient use of organic nitrogen fertilizers. Organic Farming Research Foundation Information Bulletin. 26-29.
  • Gaskell, M.; Jimenez, M. (2001). "Evaluation of culivars of southern highbush blueberries in two geographic locations in California." Hortscience 36(5): 1000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). Irrigation affects vegetable quality (in Spanish). American Vegetable Grower. Summer Issue, 22-23.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). New intermediate day length sweet onion varieties. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. November 2001.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). New product approved for control of foliar diseases on organic farms. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. November 2001.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). Today's China - market or competitor for California fresh. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. July 2001.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). USDA economic research service multiservice website. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. February 2001.
  • Gaskell, M. (2001). "Yield of bell peppers and soil nitrate nitrogen following application of varying rates of compost or feather mean with and without a prior green manure." Hortscience 36(3): 58.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). 16th annual California farm conference. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. August 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). 2000 Small Farm Work Group Continuing Conference. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. May 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Agricultural marketing conference planned for Modesto. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. October 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Beneficial insects tutorial. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. August 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Extended season blueberry production. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3-5. October 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Field Grown Cut Flowers Shortcourse. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 2. May 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Fruit and vegetable market news users guide. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4-5. December 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Garlic demand soars. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3-4. May 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Garlic demand soars. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3-4. May 2000.
  • Gaskell, M.; Faber, B. (2000). Lychee and longan. The future of California fruit? Tree Fruit. 6-8. June 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). New series of publications on organic vegetable production in California. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. April 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). New USDA educational campaign targets small scale farmers and ranchers. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. April 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Olive oil taste panel selection and traiing short course. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. April 2000.
  • Gaskell, M.; Koike, C., et al. (2000) Organic vegetable production in California.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Pruning southern highbush blueberries. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. February 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Sensory evaluation of olive oil shortcourse. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. April 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (2000). Small scale spraying equipment. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. August 2000.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Agronomic and economic evaluation of organic nitrogen fertilizer. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 2. January 1999.
  • Mitchell, E.; Lanini, T., et al. (1999). Conservation tillage technologies in California vegetable production systems. 1999 California Plan and Soil Conference. Visalia, CA.
  • Mitchell, E.; Lanini, T., et al. (1999). Conservation tillage technologies in California vegetable production systems. 1999 California Plan and Soil Conference. Visalia, CA.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Field trials with "Edamame". Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. July 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Growing for Market Newsletter. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. March 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Heirloom vegetable information sources. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. March 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Lychee and longan: Promising new fruit crops for coastal California. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. October 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Organic Perspectives Newsletter. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. December 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Pesticide safety for small farms. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. May 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). Small scale cold rooms for perishable commodities. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. May 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). The Packer's 1999 Fresh Produce Report. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. May 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1999). The USDA Small Farm Program. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 6. March 1999.
  • Gaskell, M. (1998). 1997 sweet onion post harvest evaluation results. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. May 1998.
  • Gaskell, M. (1998). Edible pod pea market review. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. July 1998.
  • Gaskell, M. (1998). Effects of transplant date and transplant size on production qualit and pungency of sweet onions. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 4. July 1998.
  • Gaskell, M.; Cantwell, M., et al. (1998). Effects of transplant date and transplant size on production, quality, and pungency of sweet onions. National Onion (and other Allium) Research Conference. Sacramento, CA. December 10-12, 1998.
  • Gaskell, M. (1998). Efficient use of organic fertilizer materials. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. July 1998.
  • Gaskell, M. (1998). Improving organic production and post harvest management for distant markets. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. July 1998.
  • Gaskell, M. (1998). Regional information meetings on national organic standards. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 3. January 1998.
  • Gaskell, M. (1998). Small-scale production of fresh seedling sprouts. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. 5. May 1998.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Cucumber mosaic virus in sugar peas. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. February 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Efficient drip and micro irrigation management on small farms. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. June 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Garlic water management. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. June 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Horticultural therapy conference in San Luis Obispo on October 18. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. September 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Initial results from blackberry variety evaluations. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. June 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Japanese fresh market vegetable imports. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. November 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Making a case for "Central Coast Sweets". Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. February 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). National USDA Commission on small farms visits California. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. September 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Organic produce sales still growing. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. February 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Pesticide related laws on the web. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. April 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Risk management education summit. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. September 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Some important guidelines for direct marketing to groceries. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. April 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Update on fresh blackberry cultivar performance in San Luis Obispo County. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. September 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1997). Update on windbreak evaluations in Santa Cruz. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. April 1997.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). 1996 California Farm Conference. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. January 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). 1996 sugar pea update. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. December 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Agtech. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. May 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Compost and green waste utilization in agriculture. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. July 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). "Effects of repeated applications of four rates of two composts varying in carbon nitrogen on soil nitrogen and leaf lettuce yield." Hortscience 31(4): 669.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Establishment year production from Autumn Bliss red raspberries on the Central Coast. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. December 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Evaluation of drip irrigation injected Vapam as a treatment for root disease decline in sugar peas. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. May 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Farm Conference '97 planning. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. May 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Farmers involved in direct marketing view farm finances differently. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. July 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Fresh market blueberries a promising new crop for the Central Coast. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. March 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Insect pollinated crops affected by decline in native bee population. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. July 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). New references from the online newsletter IPM Quarterly. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. December 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Opportunities for plasticulture in organic farming systems. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. March 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Some initial observations on small fruit varieties on the Central Coast. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. October 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Sugar pea market competition update. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. January 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Sun Dried Tomatoes. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. October 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1996). Women are better managers. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. October 1996.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). "Windows" of opportunity for asparagus. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. June 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Central Coast agribusiness site on the world wide web. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. November 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Field grown cut flowers. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. October 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Inland soils need special care. California-Arizona Farm Press. June 17, 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Managing "heavy" soils. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. March 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Mark your calendars "Marketing strategies for small scale and specialty crop growers". Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. August 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Market information sources. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. October 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Market signals guide production. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. March 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Pacific agribusiness alliance. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. August 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Post harvest management trips for direct marketers. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. August 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Specialty crop marketing. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. March 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). Tax exemption available for exporters. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. June 1995.
  • Gaskell, M. (1995). The virtual farmer's market - November 1995. Central Coast Agricultural Highlights Newsletters. San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County, UCCE. November 1995.

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