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Art and Creativity Activities for Kids

Scavenger hunt 


What is it? This is a scavenger hunt page for children 4 years and up.

How does it work? Print out the pages for your child to use.You can also view them on your phone. Some pages require adult supervision for going outside.

Why might this be a good choice for your child? This game helps children work on color and object knowledge. They can learn the names of colors and use observation skills they will need in the future.


Juego de Búsqueda 


Que es? Este link es una pagina de juegos de búsqueda para niño y niñas de 4 años a más.

Cómo funciona? Imprima las páginas proveídas para su niño o niña o simplemente mirelas en su teléfono para disfrutar de este juego con ellos. Algunas de las páginas requieren de su supervisión, especialmente si requieren que se salga de la casa.

Porque es beneficioso?Este juego promueve el desarrollo artístico del niño/niña. Ayuda al aprendizaje de nombres de colores, y habilidades de observación, lo cual beneficia al niño/niña para el futuro.


Not A Box Robot


What is it? This is a creative, loose parts activity in which children can use natural or recycled objects to make their own box robots. 

How does it work? Pair this activity with the video of the “Not A Box” book reading for a deeper connection to the book and a super fun activity. 

Why might this be a good choice for your child? This activity asks children to get creative with things they find, make a plan, and then think deeper - all valuable skills


Making Paper Beads


What is it? A six minute video tutorial by Teacher Jill on how to make paper beads with simple household objects. 

How does it work? Follow the instructions in the video to roll the paper into fantastic beads. The video includes tips and tricks and a message for parents about the benefits of this craft. 

Why might this be a good choice for your child? These beads are easy for slightly older children and a great way to build muscles in the hands. Use the videos suggestions of sorting and patterning to make it a rich and educational activity.