About the Map
This map displays areas where ISHB-FD is present or absent (positive or negative, respectively). ISHB-FD positive or negative locations are represented by different colored squares (one square mile each) that are informed by data about ISHB-FD presence in that area. Squares populated as positive correspond to locations where the presence of ISHB-FD was confirmed either via visual assessment of trees or through screened traps. ISHB positive data includes beetles identified to genus or species level, sequenced tissue samples, and infested trees where ISHB have been visually identified, but no samples were collected. Squares populated as negative correspond to sites where traps were deployed but no ISHB beetles were captured and/or sites where trees were surveyed, but no evidence of infestation was found. Locations where ISHB data (either positive or negative) has not been collected are shown as empty squares.
Zoom in to see if the pest has been detected in your area, or click here for full screen view.
Data Sources: UCCE; UC IPM; UCD; UCR; CDFA; California County Agricultural Commissioner’s offices; Inland Empire Resource Conservation District; Merritt College; US Forest Service and Forest Health Protection; California Avocado Commission; CalFire; Orange County Parks; The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens; Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens
Map Development: UC ANR IGIS; UC IPM; UCCE