Science for Citrus Health Logo

Science for Citrus Health


Translating the science of managing HLB

Your resource for learning about existing and new tools being developed by researchers to protect and manage citrus from the causative agent of huanglongbing (HLB).

Research Snapshots

research snapshot log

See how scientists are working to control HLB by reading short snapshots about their research. Topics include:

  • Traditional breeding and genetic engineering to create resistant citrus varieties
  • Psyllid modification
  • Using other organisms to deliver HLB-resistance genes
  • Early detection of the bacterium in trees.  

Click on the links below to explore the snapshots!


We have the answers!

Growers and end-user audiences can use this PowerPoint presentation which has been tailored for their use. It provides general background on the genetics that are used to modify crops and information on state and national regulatory approaches and consumer attitudes.

Examples of the questions that are addressed:

  • What are the general processes of genetically modifying plants and insects?
  • When and where did huanglongbing (HLB) come from?
  • What are some genetic approaches to controlling HLB?
  • What is consumer response to engineered crops and foods?

Latest happenings!

Stay tuned for...
Science for Citrus Health is filming a video series on the origins of citrus taking the viewer from tree to tree in the Givaudan Citrus Variety Collection at UC Riverside
Lime Shootwebsite

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