Posts Tagged: UC Riverside
Adler Dillman: Of Monarchs, Toxins, and Nematode Parasitism of Insects
"Target-site insensitivity (TSI) is an important mechanism of animal resistance to toxins," says nematologist Adler Dillman of the University of California, Riverside. "TSI evolved in parallel in the monarch butterfly and other...
Monarch butterfly nectaring on milkweed in a Vacaville garden. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Not All Bees Are Vegetarians: Some Eat Meat
For years we've been taught that wasps are carnivores while bees (which evolved from wasps), are vegetarians. Don't bees forage only for pollen and nectar (as well as water and propolis)? Not always so. Some bees are meat-eaters or "bee vultures,"...
Stingless bees in Costa Rica dining on chicken bait. (Photo by Quinn McFrederick of UC Riverside)
UC Davis Entomologists Honored in PBESA Award Competitions
Breaking news: UC Davis entomologists won three of the 12 student and professional awards given by the Pacific Branch, Entomological Society of America. The award-winning trio: Medical entomologist-geneticist Geoffrey Attardo received the...
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UC Davis medical entomologist-geneticist Geoffrey Attardo is the recipient of Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology Award from the Pacific Branch, Entomological of America. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
UC Davis undergraduate entomology major Gwen Erdosh of the Louie Yang lab and a member of the Research Scholars Program in Insect Biology, won the inaugural Dr. Stephen Garczynski Undergraduate Research Scholarship.
Simon 'Niels' Groen: How Predators Can Feed on That Highly Toxic Milkweed
"Scientists now understand how certain animals can feed on picturesque, orange monarch butterflies, which are filled from head to abdomen with milkweed plant toxins. "In high enough concentrations, milkweed can kill a horse, or a human. To be able to...
These are some of the illustrations that Niels Groen will use at his UC Davis seminar.
Image by UC Davis Alumnus Ian Wright Appears in ESA World Calendar
The 2022 Entomological Society of America's World of Insects Calendar is filled with amazing images and one of them is by UC Davis alumnus Ian Wright of Riverside, a field biologist and research specialist with the UC Riverside Department of...
In this award-winning image, a cuckoo bee, Nomada sp.(left), and an Anthophora bee share honey on a twig. The work of Ian Wright, it was selected as a September (inset) image in the ESA's World of Insects calendar. (Copyrighted Photo by Ian Wright)
Ian Wright, a UC Davis alumnus and a research specialist at UC Riverside, is shown here with some of his winged specimens.
Covers of some of the ESA calendars, from 2017 to 2022.