Food Blog

Man in straw hat picks crops in a field

The Food Blog covers our latest research and extension work to advance and optimize the production of California's abundant agricultural commodities.

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Rod Stiefvater speaks at a Department of Plant Sciences seminar

Gift extends UC Davis pistachio research on new scions, rootstocks

March 6th, 2025
By Emily C. Dooley
The University of California, Davis, is enhancing and expanding its Pistachio Breeding Program after a generous gift from philanthropist and pistachio farmer Rod Stiefvater, who is donating more than $335,000 over three years to develop new rootstocks that thrive under changing climate conditions.
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A shepherd and dog move sheep across a field

California producers: Climate change is real; we could use a little help

February 26th, 2025
By Trina Kleist
How can farmers and ranchers continue to grow our food while facing challenges of a changing climate, increasingly scarce water, land use pressures and rising costs? UC and UC ANR scientists are using surveys and interviews with people in the state's agricultural sector to learn what folks need to stay…
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Image of Black Oak acorns with description and harvesting guidelines

The Principles of Indigenous Food Sovereignty

February 5th, 2025
By Kitty Oppliger
Indigenous Food Sovereignty: Opportunities and Importance in Extension work In 2007, the first global Forum on Food Sovereignty defined the concept as the right of peoples to healthy, culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define t...
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