- Author: Sonia Rios
The University of California Cooperative Extension conducted an Avocado Pest Management Round Table grower meeting in Fallbrook, CA on September 28, 2017. Approximately 64 growers, industry, Pest Control Advisors, and other stakeholders were present. Sonia Rios, Subtropical Horticulture Farm Advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), Riverside/San Diego Counties gave a talk on “Introduction to Avocado Weed Management.” Tim Spann from the California Avocado Commission (CAC) spoke on a potential threat to California's avocado industry, “A Review: Redbay Ambrosia Beetle & Laurel Wilt Disease.
Growers were able to participate in 2 round table discussions, one on “Old challenges/possible new solutions - pesticide resistance, proper spray application, new pesticides” and another on New Challenges in the Avocado industry. Round Table panel members were: Mary Lu Arpaia, University of California, Riverside/CE, Frank Byrne, University of California, Riverside/CE, Kevin Turner, CAL FIRE, Tim Spann, CAC, Enrico Ferro, Avocado Grower/PCA, Sonia Rios, UCCE, Victor Lopez, Crop Production Services.
The growers will be looking forward to the next Round Table meeting in the Spring. If you missed the meeting, below is a link to a recording of the meeting https://soundcloud.com/user-95194984/controlling-pests-in-avocado-roundtable-meeting
- Author: Ben Faber
Argentine Ant is a very aggressive invader that disrupts native ant populations and at the same time disrupts biocontrol agents that help control, such pests as scale, aphids and mealy bugs in citrus and other tree crop species. They defend these sugar producing sources of energy from attack by predators and parasites, like parasitic wasps and predatory assassin bugs and lady bugs. They increase the threat of Asian Citrus Psyllid and HLB by protecting the psyllid from attack by parasitic Tamarixia.
A careful, well placed chlorpyrifos spray has been used to control Argentine ants. A trunk spray and/or spray on irrigation lines has disrupted their activity with minimal impact on beneficials. This protectant spray keeps the Argentine ants out of the canopies and allows the beneficials access to the pests. Controlling this one species, can have significant impact on biocontrol and the whole need for controlling pests.
Chlorpyrifos is a pesticide that might lose registration and other materials and techniques have been examined over the years as a replacement. A recent procedure has been proposed and used successfully on Santa Cruz Island to control introduced Argentine ants. The ant has caused tremendous disruption in biocontrol and it appears to have been controlled by this new technique. We are in the process of evaluating it's use in citrus. The application technique, costs and materials would need to be modified for use in citrus orchards. The current procedure would not be considered an organic practice since the pesticide material is not registered organic. It might be possible to use an organically registered material in the future.
Protocols for Argentine ant eradication in conservation areas
L.Boser1,C.Hanna2,D.A.Holway3,K.R.Faulkner4,I.Naughton3,K.Merrill5,J.M.Randall1,C.Cory1,D.-H. Choe6 & S. A.Morrison
Journal of Applied Entomology
The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is a widespread, abundant and ecologically disruptive invader that is present throughout major portions of coastal California and on half of the California Channel Islands. On Santa Cruz Island, the Argentine ant had invaded about 2% of the island's area in four distinct locations as of 2012. Given the negative ecological effects resulting from Argentine ant invasions,we sought to develop a cost-effective method of eradication. Here, we describe the results of large-scale, field-tested methods for Argentine ant eradication and post-treatment detection. Our eradication protocol employs a novel toxicant-delivery system: an aqueous solution of sucrose and 6 ppm of thiamethoxam mixed with hydrating polyacrylamide beads. Ants feed on the solution present on the bead's surface for about 24h after which time bead dehydration prevents feeding. We distributed hydrated beads by helicopter over 74 ha of infested areas plus a 50-m buffer on 14 occasions between June 2013 and September 2014. Treatments reduced Argentine ant activity to subdetectable levels within four months. In 2014, we conducted a high-intensity detection protocol using lures (n = 55 363) in areas treated in 2013.This effort did not detect Argentine ants. In 2015, we conducted a medium-intensity detection protocol using lures (n=2250) in areas treated in 2013 and 2014 but not searched in 2014; this sampling effort did not detect Argentine ant activity except for a single remnant infestation (c.0.3ha in area),which was retreated in2015.Thec ost of treatments was approximately $1400 per ha; this cost is comparable to other ant eradication efforts. The cost of our preferred detection method, which used lures spaced every 10m,was $500 per ha.These results demonstrate sufficient protocol efficacy to justify expansion of treatments to other infested areas in ecologically sensitive areas.
Photo: Argentine ant and scale
- Author: Mark Hoddle
Extension Specialist in Biological Control, Department of Entomology, University of California Riverside, CA 92521mark.hoddle@ucr.edu
Well, what a dramatic title, and it is certainly an unabashed rip off from Winston Churchill too! However, many growers in California view the threat posed to the long term viability and profitability of citrus by Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and huanglongbing (HLB) as a war! ACP is a small sap sucking insect that is native to the Indian subcontinent and it has emerged as a global threat to citrus because it vectors a bacterium (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus [CLas]) that causes a lethal and incurable citrus disease, huanglongbing (sometimes referred to as citrus greening). Trees displaying HLB go into decline and some varieties may die in as little as 5-8 years post-infection. Symptoms may include chlorotic leaves (Fig. 2) and premature fruit drop. Fruit that are retained become misshapen as they develop, ripen irregularly (hence the common name citrus greening), and have a bitter taste. Florida's “war” with ACP and HLB started around 1998 when the psyllid was first found, then in 2005 the first citrus trees with HLB symptoms were discovered. Some economic estimates of the ACP-CLas epidemic in Florida suggest that more than 8,000 jobs have been lost, production has declined by 23%, and revenues have dropped by 16% .
ACP was first detected in southern California in 2008, and in 2012, the first citrus trees with HLB symptoms were found in Hacienda Heights in Los Angeles County. Subsequently, HLB has been confirmed in San Gabriel, also in LA County. Detections of ACP in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) are increasing, especially around Bakersfield, and these finds make the largest citrus production areas in California highly vulnerable to CLas. One response to the ACP invasion has been to go after the vector in urban residential areas where ACP enjoys a relatively good life on backyard citrus trees that are treated infrequently with pesticides. The intention of this urban-residential-ACP control program was to knock back psyllid numbers to low levels with the goal of reducing the rate of spread of ACP and CLas through urban areas and into commercial citrus production zones. Vector reduction have been attempted in two different ways; spraying insecticides and biological control. The California Department of Food and Agriculture aggressively pursued residential spraying of citrus during the initial stages of the ACP campaign in southern California, but this quickly became unsustainable due to cost and the speed at which ACP was spreading through the urban landscape. Spraying is still used in areas were ACP populations are small and localized, such as those being found in parts of the SJV.
The second approach has been to run a classical biological control program targeting ACP. Classical biological control introduces natural enemies from the home range of the pest into the invaded area with the goal of establishing these beneficial agents so that they permanently suppress pest populations to less damaging levels. This approach necessitated searches for ACP natural enemies in the native range of the pest, a process referred to as foreign exploration. Because ACP has a huge putative native range, foreign exploration was conducted in Punjab Pakistan (Fig. 3), an area with ~70% climate match with the major citrus production areas in the SJV. A good climate match, in theory, should result in natural enemies that are pre-adapted to California's hot dry summers and cool damp winters. From September 2010 to April 2013, six expeditions searching for ACP natural enemies were conducted in Pakistan. The University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) was the home base for this project. Collaboration with UAF Faculty was excellent, and the Vice Chancellor of UAF, Dr. Iqrar Khan, is a UC Riverside graduate in plant pathology, and Mike Roose was Iqrar's major professor!
Two species of parasitoid, Tamarixia radiata and Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis, were found attacking ACP in Pakistan. Both species were returned to the Insectary and Quarantine Facility at UC Riverside. Mandatory host range and host specificity tests were conducted over a 2-3 year period and results indicated that both species likely posed little environmental risk to California and it was concluded that both species offered significant benefits because of their ability to parasitize and feed on ACP nymphs. Both of these processes kill ACP nymphs. Consequently, USDA-APHIS issued release permits and CDFA took over the mass rearing of these parasitoids. As of June 2016, more than 3 million Tamarixia and 170,000 Diaphorencyrtus have been released in southern California.
Initial results of the ACP biocontrol program are promising. Tamarixia appears to have established widely in southern California, and in combination with other species of natural enemies, especially generalist predators like lacewing and syrphid fly larvae, significant reductions in ACP populations have been documented. Diaphorencyrtus lags behind Tamarixia because it was the second parasitoid out of the quarantine pipeline, but multiple recoveries have been made at about 60% of sites where this species has been released. However, the impact and rate of spread of Diaphorencyrtus and whether it can compete successfully with Tamarixia is unknown and the subject of Citrus Research Board (CRB) and USDA-MAC sponsored research.
Although the major biocontrol efforts have centered on ACP in residential areas in southern California, the focus of the biocontrol program, especially with respect to Tamarixia, is beginning to face northwards, and battle lines are being drawn around and through Bakersfield and Tulare. The redirection of effort has been the subject of intense discussion at recent CRB BioControl Taskforce meetings. The emerging consensus is that movement of biocontrol agents into urban areas north of the Tehachapi mountains is needed. It is highly likely that in late 2016 or early 2017 Pakistani mercenaries will be released for the first time into the SJV to hunt down ACP.Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, is an invasive pest in California. Immature psyllids, the nymphs (A) acquire the HLB-causing bacteria when feeding on infected plants. (B) Adult psyllids can carry bacteria between trees and inoculate healthy plants when feeding (Photos by Mike Lewis, Center for Invasive Species Research, UC Riverside)
ACP and Nymph
- Author: Ben Faber
RECOGNIZING NATURAL ENEMIES Proper identification of pests, and distinguishing pests from natural enemies, is essential for effective biological control. Carefully observe the mites and insects on your plants to help discern their activity. For example, some people may mistake syrphid fly larvae for caterpillars. However, syrphid fly larvae are found feeding on aphids and not chewing on the plant itself. If you find mites on your plants, observe them with a good hand lens. Predaceous mites appear more active than plant-feeding species. In comparison with pest mites, predaceous mites are often larger and do not occur in large groups. Consult publications listed in the References to learn more about the specific pests and their natural enemies in your gardens and landscapes. Take unfamiliar organisms you find to your local University of California (UC) Cooperative Extension office, UC Master Gardener Program, or agricultural commissioner office in your county for aid in identification. CONSERVATION: PROTECT NATURAL ENEMIES Preserve existing natural enemies by choosing cultural, mechanical, or selective chemical controls that do not harm beneficial species. Remember, only about 1% of all insects and mites are harmful. Most pests are attacked by multiple species of natural enemies (Table 1), and their conservation is the primary way to successfully use biological control. Judicious (e.g., selective, timing) pesticide use, ant control, and habitat manipulation are key conservation strategies. Ant Control and Honeydew Producers The Argentine ant and certain other ant species are considered pests primarily because they feed on honeydew produced by insects that suck phloem sap, such as aphids, mealybugs, soft scales, psyllids, and whiteflies. Ants protect honeydew producers from predators and parasites that might otherwise control them. Ants sometimes move these honeydew-producing insects from plant to plant (called “farming”). Where natural enemies are present, if ants are controlled, populations of many pests will gradually (over several generations of pests) be reduced as natural enemies become more abundant. Control methods include cultivating soil around ant nests, encircling trunks with ant barriers of sticky material, and applying insecticide baits near plants. See Pest Notes: Ants for more information. Mark Hoddle at UC Riverside is working on a gel formulation to attract ants selectively for their control: http://biocontrol.ucr.edu/hoddle/. Habitat Manipulation Plant a variety of species that flower at different times to provide natural enemies with nectar, pollen, and shelter throughout the growing season. The adult stage of many insects with predaceous larvae (such as green lacewings and syrphid flies) and many adult parasites feed only on pollen and nectar. Even if pests are abundant for the predaceous and parasitic stages, many beneficials will do poorly unless flowering and nectar-producing plants are available to supplement their diet. To retain predators and parasites, grow diverse plant species well adapted to the local conditions and that tolerate low populations of plant-feeding insects and mites so that some food is always available. Other cultural controls that can help natural enemies include reducing dust and properly fertilizing and irrigating. Dust can interfere with natural enemies and may cause outbreaks of pests such as spider mites. Reduce dust by planting ground covers and windbreaks and hosing off small plants that become excessively covered with dust. Avoid excess fertilization and irrigation, which can cause phloem-feeding pests, such as aphids, to reproduce more rapidly than natural enemies can provide control. REFERENCES Dreistadt, S.H., M.L. Flint, and J.K. Clark. 2004. Pests of Landscape Trees and Shrubs: An Integrated Pest Management Guide. 2nd ed. Oakland: Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3359. Flint, M.L. and S.H. Dreistadt. 1998. Natural Enemies Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Biological Pest Control. Oakland: Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3386. Rust, M.K. and D.-H. Choe. 2012. Pest Notes: Ants. Oakland: Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 7411.
: |
Lacewings |
Lady beetles |
Parasitic flies |
Parasitic wasps |
Predatory mites |
Other Groups and Examples |
aphids |
X |
X |
X |
entomopathogenic fungi, soldier beetles, syrphid fly larvae |
carpenterworm, clearwing moth larvae |
X |
entomopathogenic nematodes |
caterpillars (e.g., California oakworm) |
X |
X |
X |
Bacillus thuringiensis, birds, entomopathogenic fungi and viruses, predaceous bugs and wasps,Trichogramma spp. (egg parasitic wasps), spiders |
cottony cushion scale |
X |
X |
Cryptochaetum iceryae (parasitic fly), vedalia beetle |
elm leaf beetle |
X |
X |
Erynniopsis antennata (parasitic fly),Oomyzus (=Tetrastichus) spp. (parasitic wasps) |
eucalyptus longhorned borers |
X |
Avetianella longoi (egg parasitic wasp) |
eucalyptus redgum lerp psyllid |
X |
Psyllaephagus bliteus (parasitic wasp) |
giant whitefly |
X |
X |
X |
Encarsia hispida, Encarsia noyesi, Entedononecremnus krauteri, andIdioporus affinis (parasitic wasp), syrphid fly larvae |
glassy-winged sharpshooter |
X |
X |
assassin bugs, Gonatocerus spp. (egg parasitic wasps), spiders |
lace bugs |
X |
X |
X |
assassin bugs and pirate bugs, spiders |
mealybugs |
X |
X |
X |
mealybug destroyer lady beetle |
mosquitoes |
Bacillus thuringiensis spp. israelensis, mosquito-eating fish |
psyllids |
X |
X |
X |
pirate bugs |
scales |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Aphytis, Coccophagus, Encarsia, andMetaphycus spp. parasitic wasps |
slugs, snails |
X |
Rumina decollata (predatory snail), predaceous ground beetles, birds, snakes, toads, and other vertebrates |
spider mites |
X |
X |
X |
bigeyed bugs and minute pirate bugs,Feltiella spp. (predatory cecidomyiid fly larvae), sixspotted thrips, Stethorus picipes (spider mite destroyer lady beetle), predatory mites |
thrips |
X |
X |
X |
minute pirate bugs, predatory thrips |
weevils, root or soil-dwelling |
X |
Steinernema carpocapsae andHeterorhabditis bacteriophora(entomopathogenic nematodes) |
whiteflies |
X |
X |
X |
bigeyed bugs and minute pirate bugs,Cales, Encarsia, and Eretmocerus spp. parasitic wasps, spiders |
Predatory mite going after citrus red mite
/table>- Author: Ben Faber
Parasites, pathogens, and predators are the primary groups used in biological control of insects and mites (Table 1). Most parasites and pathogens, and many predators, are highly specialized and attack a limited number of closely related pest species. Learn how to recognize natural enemies by consulting resources such as the Natural Enemies Handbook and the Natural Enemies Gallery.
A parasite is an organism that lives and feeds in or on a host. Insect parasites can develop on the inside or outside of the host's body. Often only the immature stage of the parasite feeds on the host. However, adult females of certain parasites (such as many wasps that attack scales and whiteflies) feed on and kill their hosts, providing an easily overlooked but important source of biological control in addition to the host mortality caused by parasitism.
Although the term “parasite” is used here, true parasites (e.g., fleas and ticks) do not typically kill their hosts. Species useful in biological control, and discussed here, kill their hosts; they are more precisely called “parasitoids.”
Most parasitic insects are either flies (Order Diptera) or wasps (Order Hymenoptera). Parasitic wasps occur in over three dozen Hymenoptera families. For example, Aphidiinae (a subfamily of Braconidae) attack aphids. Trichogrammatidae parasitize insect eggs. Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, and Ichneumonidae are other groups that parasitize insect pests. It's important to note that these tiny to medium-sized wasps are incapable of stinging people. The most common parasitic flies are the typically hairy Tachinidae. Adult tachinids often resemble house flies. Their larvae are maggots that feed inside the host.
Natural enemy pathogens are microorganisms including certain bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, and viruses that can infect and kill the host. Populations of some aphids, caterpillars, mites, and other invertebrates are sometimes drastically reduced by naturally occurring pathogens, usually under conditions such as prolonged high humidity or dense pest populations. In addition to a naturally occurring disease outbreak (epizootic), some beneficial pathogens are commercially available as biological or microbial pesticides. These include Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt, entomopathogenic nematodes, and granulosis viruses. Additionally, some microorganism by-products, such as avermectins and spinosyns are used in certain insecticides; but applying these products is not considered to be biological control.
Predators kill and feed on several to many individual prey during their lifetimes. Many species of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles prey extensively on insects. Predatory beetles, flies, lacewings, true bugs (Order Hemiptera), and wasps feed on various pest insects or mites. Most spiders feed entirely on insects. Predatory mites that feed primarily on pest spider mites include Amblyseius spp., Neoseiulus spp., and the western predatory mite, Galendromus occidentalis.
When resident natural enemies are insufficient, their populations can sometimes be increased (augmented) through the purchase and release of commercially available beneficial species. However, there has been relatively little research on releasing natural enemies in gardens and landscapes. Releases are unlikely to provide satisfactory pest control in most situations. Some marketed natural enemies are not effective. Many natural enemies are generalist predators and are cannibalistic and feed indiscriminately on pest and beneficial species, thereby reducing their effectiveness.
Only a few natural enemies can be effectively augmented in gardens and landscapes. For example, entomopathogenic nematodes can be applied to control certain tree-boring and lawn-feeding insects. Convergent lady beetles (Hippodamia convergens) purchased in bulk through mail order, stored in a refrigerator, and released in very large numbers at intervals can temporarily control aphids; however, lady beetles purchased through retail outlets are unlikely to be sufficient in numbers and quality to provide control.
Successful augmentation generally requires advanced planning, biological expertise, careful monitoring, optimal release timing, patience, and situations where certain levels of pests and damage can be tolerated. Situations where pests or damage are already abundant are not good opportunities for augmentation.
A classic example of poor timing for augmentative release of predatory mites for control of broad mite in coastal lemon or persea mite in avocado is right now. Pest populations for the most part have soared and releasing predatory mites is little help. Predatory mites need to be releases into a small growing population, so in both of these cases it would have been better to start small, frequent releases early and throughout the spring to knock their populations back.
Adult predatory mite, Euseius tularensis, and citrus red mite.