Lake County

Master Gardener Links

The following websites offer current information from the University of California.

UC California Backyard Orchard - This site includes information for backyard gardeners and consumers about UC research, contacts, courses, publications, news, and events relating to backyard and consumer fruit and nut issues. This is a great place to go for help with seasonal jobs in your home fruit tree orchard, as well as what varieties do well in the home garden and pest management options.


UC Fruit and Nut Research an Information Center - This site includes information for backyard gardeners and consumers about UC research, contacts, courses, publications, news, and events relating to backyard and consumer fruit and nut issues. This is a great place to go for help with seasonal jobs in your home fruit tree orchard, as well as what varieties do well in the home garden, and pest management options.


UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Catalog orders - This site is easy to navigate; there is information on publications and videos covering agricultural information, gardens and lawns, pest and disease management---"from ants to zinnias, almonds to zinfandel!" You can also download free publications. Publications can be ordered through the local UCCE office (263-6838).


UC Davis Arboretum - This site will tell you about the Arboretum and the Mediterranean climate of our area, and upcoming events. See descriptions of the theme and demonstration gardens.


UC Davis Dept. of Environmental Horticulture - This site will tell you about the Department of Environmental Horticulture at UC Davis and includes their newsletter 'Growing Points' on-line. There are links to other UCD departments such as Plant Pathology, IPM, Fruit and Nut Research, as well as horticulture information on the net.


UC Davis Information Center for the Environment This site provides a good overview of the six National Reserves administered by UCD. Jepson Prairie Reserve and Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve are open to the public.


UC Davis Ornamental Horticulture Research and Information Center - This site assists the industry and the public with ornamental horticulture problems. There is a photo gallery, newsletters on-line from trade and UC, and an events calendar.


UC Davis Vegetable Research and Information Center - This fun website has a virtual tour of vegetable production in California. There are jokes, games, youth science projects and also an events calendar. Information regarding production, home vegetable gardening, IPM, and post-harvest management is included on many vegetable crops.


UC Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - This site is easy to navigate; there is a link to pests of Home & Landscape (Pest Notes); from that location there are categories such as pests of homes, insects, plant diseases, weeds, and vertebrate pests, with links to specific pests. Don't miss the weed photo gallery.


UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program - This site discusses sustainable agriculture and the program at UC Davis. There is also a newsletter on-line.

The University of California started UC TV to provide the public with programming that draws upon the vast knowledge of the University of California. UC TV programs are broadcast live and on-demand twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Sound interesting? Check it out at  

Warning! The following links take you outside the University of California system. The University does not explicitly or implicitly support the information that you may receive.

Plant Information Online - Use Plant Information Online to discover sources in 980 North American nurseries for 104,135 plants, find 361,073 citations to 137,306 plants in science and garden literature, link to selected websites for images and regional information about 12,225 plants, and access information on 2,330 North American seed and nursery firms. Plant Information Online is a free service of the University of Minnesota Libraries.

Online Plant Guide - The Online Plant Guide is a free service featuring over 2,800 plants with an image library of over 10,000 pictures.