The San Benito County 4-H Youth Development Program creates supportive environments utilizing experiential educational experiences for culturally diverse youth and adults to reach their fullest potential. The 4-H County Council support these efforts. Through these 4-H structures, adult volunteers, members, and the 4-H YDP staff work together to extend the 4-H Program to youth and to set and achieve the goals of 4-H.
County 4-H Councils
4-H county council is organized to assist the University of California Cooperative Extension in planning, promoting, and carrying out 4-H youth development work. The San Benito County Council is chartered by the UCCE and operate in compliance with UC policies and the core values of the 4-H YDP.
The specific purposes for which the SBC County Council is organized shall be to:
- Help implement programs and projects based upon the educational framework of the 4-H YDP and the educational goals and standards as identified by the county and state 4-H YDP staff.
- Help ensure that all county 4-H programming is consistent with the 4-H YDP mission and direction, guiding principles, core values and 4-H program criteria checklist.
- Build mechanisms to achieve affirmative action goals and develop a management body whose membership is representative of the diversity of the community.
- Include involvement of members in county council operations and decision-making.
- Set limitations on term length and succession of adult volunteers to distribute more service opportunities.
- Develop mechanisms to recommend solutions to problems and disputes within the county 4-H Program.
- Facilitate mechanisms for providing training and support of adult volunteers and youth.
- Facilitate community involvement to contribute to program focus and direction.
- Facilitate the expansion of programs into new communities.
Time and Place
San Benito County 4-H Council Meets on the 4th Monday of each month (except July, September and December, due to holidays & fair) 7:00pm, at the Veterans Memorial Building, 649 San Benito Street, Hollister CA 95023.
The 4-H council is open to all members on the San Benito county 4-H Program.
2024-2025 4-H County Council Calendar
Pancake Breakfast & Fair Dessert hosting club list - revised May, 2024