Livestock Judging Contest 2025

The annual 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging contest will be held at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds on March 29th from 9am to 4pm. Check in will begin at 8:30am.
Pre-registration will again be required for the contest. We will be using our computerized program again for scoring and will want to begin data entry before the contest. Deadline for registration is March 23, 2025, for late entries, contact

2025 Livestock Judging Registration
The contest will feature classes of Beef, Swine, Sheep, and Meat Goats. In addition there will be four sets of reasons.
No entry fee, event will occur rain or shine.
This is an excellent opportunity to improve your judging skills to help you with project animal selection and also provide you with a positive experience to improve your public speaking skills. 4-H members may wear their 4-H uniforms or appropriate attire (blazer, slacks) for reasons. Reasons will be required to receive individual and team awards. This event is open to all 4-H club and FFA Chapter members in California. Awards will be given to high scoring individuals and teams.