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UC SAREP Cover Crop Resources
Expert Grower Database: Cover Cropping Practices in Orchards and Vineyards
Challenges: Expert Grower Perspectives
Farmer Profiles: On-Farm Practices
Cover Crop Resources
General Resources
- Equipment to Manage Cover Crops in Annual Rotations. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Sacramento Valley Field Crops Newsletter (September 2020).
- Selecting the Right Cover Crop Gives Multiple Benefits (download link). California Agriculture (September 1994).
- Cover Crop Varieties in the Sacramento Valley. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Sacramento Valley Field Crops Newsletter (February 2021).
- Small Grain Cover Crops. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8174. (2006).
- Cowpea Production: Sample Costs and Benefits as a Summer Cover Crop. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8030. (2001).
- Covercrops for California Agriculture. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 21471. (1989).
- Specifications and Technical Guidance: Insectary Cover Cropping in California. Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. (2019).
- USDA Risk Management Agency, Cover Crops Website
- Western Region Cover Crops Council Website
- USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Website
- Regenerative Ag. 101, Cover Cropping. Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems. California State University, Chico.
- Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition. (Available to purchase). USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education. (PDF)
- Cover Crops for Sustainable Rotations. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education. (WEB) (PDF) (2015)
- Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education. (WEB) (PDF) (2015)
- Ecosystem Services from Cover Crops. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education. Resources include a series of fact sheets, three infographics and one PowerPoint slide set.
- Agronomic cover crop management supports weed suppression and competition in California orchards. UC Weed Science Blog. (2017)
Crop-Specific Resources
- Cover Crops for Walnut Orchards. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 21627. (2006)
- Cover Cropping and Conservation Tillage in California Processing Tomatoes. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8404. (2012).
- Cover Cropping in Vineyards: A Grower’s Handbook. (Available for purchase). UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3338. (1998).
- Cover Cropping for Vegetable Production. (Available for purchase). UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3517. (2011).
Economic Resources
- Estimated Costs for a Winter Cover Crop in an Annual Crop Rotation. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and UC Davis. (2022)
- Cover Crop Economics: Opportunities to Improve Your Bottom Line in Row Crops. (WEB) (PDF) (2019).
Cover Crop-Related Publications
- Mulches in California Vegetable Crop Production. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8129. (2000).
- Drought Management for California Almonds. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8515. (2015).
- Low-cost Methods of Measuring Diverted Water. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8490. (2013).
Funding Resources
- Healthy Soil Program. California Department of Food and Agriculture. The HSP Incentives Program provides financial incentives to California growers and ranchers to implement conservation management practices that sequester carbon, reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs), and improve soil health.
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is NRCS’ flagship conservation program that helps farmers, ranchers and forest landowners integrate conservation into working lands.
- Seeds for Bees. Project Apis m. (non-profit organization). Seeds for Bees encourages the use of cover crops to increase the density, diversity, and duration of bee forage in California orchards, farms, and vineyards, while improving soil health.
- Aase, J. K., & Siddoway, F. H. (1976). Influence of Tall Wheatgrass Wind Barriers on Soil Drying 1. Agronomy journal, 68(4), 627-631.
- Andrews, S. S., Mitchell, J. P., Mancinelli, R., Karlen, D. L., Hartz, T. K., Horwath, W. R., ... & Munk, D. S. (2002). On-farm assessment of soil quality in California's Central Valley. Agronomy Journal, 94(1), 12-23.
- Attwood, G. T., Wakelin, S. A., Leahy, S. C., Rowe, S., Clarke, S., Chapman, D. F., ... & Jacobs, J. M. (2019). Applications of the soil, plant and rumen microbiomes in pastoral agriculture.Frontiers in Nutrition, 6, 107.
- Baggs, E. M., Stevenson, M., Pihlatie, M., Regar, A., Cook, H., & Cadisch, G. (2003). Nitrous oxide emissions following application of residues and fertiliser under zero and conventional tillage. Plant and Soil, 254(2), 361-370.
- Basche, A. D., Miguez, F. E., Kaspar, T. C., & Castellano, M. J. (2014). Do cover crops increase or decrease nitrous oxide emissions? A meta-analysis. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 69(6), 471-482.
- Battany, M. C., & Grismer, M. E. (2000). Rainfall runoff and erosion in Napa Valley vineyards: effects of slope, cover and surface roughness. Hydrological processes, 14(7), 1289-1304.
- Blanco-Canqui, H., Shaver, T. M., Lindquist, J. L., Shapiro, C. A., Elmore, R. W., Francis, C. A., & Hergert, G. W. (2015). Cover crops and ecosystem services: Insights from studies in temperate soils. Agronomy journal, 107(6), 2449-2474.
- Brennan, E. B., & Boyd, N. S. (2012). Winter cover crop seeding rate and variety affects during eight years of organic vegetables: II. Cover crop nitrogen accumulation. Agronomy Journal, 104(3), 799-806.
- Caltagirone, L.E., Meals, D.W., & Shea, K.P. (1968). Almond sticktights contribute to navel orangeworm infestations. California Agriculture, 22(3), 2–3.
- Celano, G., Palese, A. M., Ciucci, A., Martorella, E., Vignozzi, N., & Xiloyannis, C. (2011). Evaluation of soil water content in tilled and cover-cropped olive orchards by the geoelectrical technique. Geoderma, 163(3-4), 163-170.
- Çerçioglu, M., Anderson, S. H., Udawatta, R. P., & Alagele, S. (2019). Effect of cover crop management on soil hydraulic properties. Geoderma, 343, 247-253.
- Christopher, S. F., & Lal, R. (2007). Nitrogen management affects carbon sequestration in North American cropland soils. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 26(1), 45-64.
- Connell, J., 2011. Almond Notes. University of California Cooperative Extension, Butte County.
- Creze, C. M., & Horwath, W. R. (2021). Cover Cropping: A Malleable Solution for Sustainable Agriculture? Meta-Analysis of Ecosystem Service Frameworks in Perennial Systems.Agronomy, 11(5), 862.
- Crézé, C., Mitchell, J., Westphal, A., Lightle, D., Doll, D., Yaghmour, M., Williams, N., Hodson, A., Wilson, H., Daane, K., Hanson, B., Haring, S., Zuber, C., Gaudin, A., 2019. Cover crop research review: How can it help almonds? - The Almond Doctor.
- CTIC & SARE. Report of the 2013-14 Cover Crop Survey. (2014). Joint publication of the Conservation Technology Information Center and the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.
- de Albuquerque Nunes, P. A., Laca, E. A., de Faccio Carvalho, P. C., Li, M., de Souza Filho, W., Robinson Kunrath, T., ... & Gaudin, A. (2021). Livestock integration into soybean systems improves long-term system stability and profits without compromising crop yields.Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-14.
- de Faccio Carvalho, P. C., Anghinoni, I., de Moraes, A., de Souza, E. D., Sulc, R. M., Lang, C. R., ... & Bayer, C. (2010). Managing grazing animals to achieve nutrient cycling and soil improvement in no-till integrated systems.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 88(2), 259-273.
- De Gryze, S., Lee, J., Ogle, S., Paustian, K., & Six, J. (2011). Assessing the potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in intensively managed annual cropping systems at the regional scale. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 144(1), 150-158.
- DeVincentis, A., Solis, S., Rice, S., Zaccaria, D., Snyder, R., Maskey, M., ... & Mitchell, J. (2022). Impacts of winter cover cropping on soil moisture and evapotranspiration in California's specialty crop fields may be minimal during winter months. California Agriculture, 76(1), 37-45.
- Donaldson, D.R., Snyder, R.L., Elmore, C., Gallagher, S., 1993. Weed Control Influences Vineyard Minimum Temperatures. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 44, 431–434.
- Drinkwater, L. E., Wagoner, P., & Sarrantonio, M. (1998). Legume-based cropping systems have reduced carbon and nitrogen losses. Nature, 396(6708), 262-265.
- Edwards, S., & Ploeg, A. (2014). Evaluation of 31 potential biofumigant brassicaceous plants as hosts for three meloiodogyne species.Journal of Nematology, 287-295.
- Ferris, H., McKenry, M. V., & McKinney, H. E. (1976). Spatial distribution of nematodes in peach orchards.Plant Disease Reporter, 60, 18-22.
- Fourie, H., Ahuja, P., Lammers, J., & Daneel, M. (2016). Brassicacea-based management strategies as an alternative to combat nematode pests: A synopsis.Crop Protection, 80, 21-41.
- Garrett, R. D., Niles, M. T., Gil, J. D., Gaudin, A., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Assmann, A., ... & Valentim, J. (2017a). Social and ecological analysis of commercial integrated crop livestock systems: Current knowledge and remaining uncertainty.Agricultural Systems, 155, 136-146.
- Garrett, R. D., Niles, M., Gil, J., Dy, P., Reis, J., & Valentim, J. (2017b). Policies for reintegrating crop and livestock systems: a comparative analysis.Sustainability, 9(3), 473.
- Gaudin, A., Mitchell, J., Westphal, A., Yaghmour, M., Zuber, C., Hanson, B., Jarvis-Shean, K., Williams, N., Hodson, A., Wilson, H., Solis, S., Creze, C., Haring, S., DeVincentis, A. (2020) What do cover crops have to offer? Opportunities and Challenges for Almond systems. American Society of Agronomy: California Plant and Soil Conference presentation.
- Giambalvo, D., Amato, G., Stringi, L., 2011. Effects of Stubble Height and Cutting Frequency on Regrowth of Berseem Clover in a Mediterranean Semiarid Environment. Crop Science 51, 1808–1814.
- Gruver, L. S., Weil, R. R., Zasada, I. A., Sardanelli, S., & Momen, B. (2010). Brassicaceous and rye cover crops altered free-living soil nematode community composition.Applied soil ecology, 45(1), 1-12.
- Haramoto, E. R., & Gallandt, E. R. (2004). Brassica cover cropping for weed management: A review. Renewable agriculture and food systems, 19(4), 187-198.
- Ingels, C., Horn, M., Bugg, R., & Miller, P. (1994). Selecting the right cover crop gives multiple benefits. California Agriculture, 48(5), 43-48.
- Jackson, L. E. (2000). Fates and losses of nitrogen from a nitrogen-15-labeled cover crop in an intensively managed vegetable system. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 64(4), 1404-1412.
- Jackson, L. E., Ramirez, I., Yokota, R., Fennimore, S. A., Koike, S. T., Henderson, D. M., Chaney, W.E., Calderón, F.J. & Klonsky, K. (2004). On-farm assessment of organic matter and tillage management on vegetable yield, soil, weeds, pests, and economics in California. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 103(3), 443-463.
- Jackson, L., Ramirez, I., Yokota, R., Fennimore, S., Koike, S., Henderson, D., Chaney, W. & Klonsky, K. (2003). Scientists, growers assess trade-offs in use of tillage, cover crops and compost. California Agriculture, 57(2), 48-54.
- Joyce, B. A., Wallender, W. W., Mitchell, J. P., Huyck, L. M., Temple, S. R., Brostrom, P. N., & Hsiao, T. C. (2002). Infiltration and soil water storage under winter cover cropping in California’s Sacramento Valley. Transactions of the ASAE, 45(2), 315.
- Kallenbach, C. M., Rolston, D. E., & Horwath, W. R. (2010). Cover cropping affects soil N2O and CO2 emissions differently depending on type of irrigation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 137(3-4), 251-260.
- Kruger, D. H. M., Fourie, J. C., & Malan, A. P. (2013). Cover crops with biofumigation properties for the suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes: a review.South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 34(2), 287-295.
- Kruidhof, H. M., Bastiaans, L., & Kropff, M. J. (2008). Ecological weed management by cover cropping: effects on weed growth in autumn and weed establishment in spring. Weed research, 48(6), 492-502.
- Li, L., Zhang, J., He, X. Z., & Hou, F. (2021). Sheep trampling modifies soil and plant C: N: P stoichiometry in a typical steppe of the Loess Plateau.Rangeland Ecology & Management, 76, 100-108.
- Light, S., Lloyd, M., Berris, H., Stewart, D., & Goodrich, B. (2022). Estimated Costs for a Winter Cover Crop in an Annual Crop Rotation. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Cooperative Extension and UC Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
- Meyer, J. R., Zehr, E. I., Meagher Jr, R. L., & Salvo, S. K. (1992). Survival and growth of peach trees and pest populations in orchard plots managed with experimental ground covers.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 41(3-4), 353-363.
- Montemurro, F., Fiore, A., Campanelli, G., Tittarelli, F., Ledda, L., & Canali, S. (2013). Organic fertilization, green manure, and vetch mulch to improve organic zucchini yield and quality. HortScience, 48(8), 1027-1033.
- Muramoto, J., Smith, R. F., Shennan, C., Klonsky, K. M., Leap, J., Ruiz, M. S., & Gliessman, S. R. (2011). Nitrogen contribution of legume/cereal mixed cover crops and organic fertilizers to an organic broccoli crop.HortScience, 46(8), 1154-1162.
- Napa RCD, Fibershed, UCCE-Sonoma, and CAFF, director. Sheep & Grapes Workshop, Day 1. Youtube, 2020.
- O’Connell, N.V., Snyder, R.L., 1999. Cover Crops, Mulch Lower Night Temperatures in Citrus. California Agriculture 53(5): 37-40.
- Ory, J., & Iles, A. (2021). Fostering Healthy Soils in California: Farmer Motivations and Barriers. In True Cost Accounting for Food(pp. 137-146). Routledge.
- Poudel, D. D., Horwath, W. R., Mitchell, J. P., & Temple, S. R. (2001). Impacts of cropping systems on soil nitrogen storage and loss.Agricultural Systems, 68(3), 253-268.
- Prichard, T., Sills, W., Asai, W., Hendricks, L., & Elmore, C. (1989). Orchard water use and soil characteristics.California Agriculture, 43(4), 23-25.
- Ritchie, J. T., & Adams, J. E. (1974). Field measurement of evaporation from soil shrinkage cracks.Soil Science Society of America Journal, 38(1), 131-134.
- Ruiz-Colmenero, M., Bienes, R., & Marques, M. J. (2011). Soil and water conservation dilemmas associated with the use of green cover in steep vineyards.Soil and Tillage Research, 117, 211-223.
- Schuman, G. E., Janzen, H. H., & Herrick, J. E. (2002). Soil carbon dynamics and potential carbon sequestration by rangelands.Environmental pollution, 116(3), 391-396.
- Sibbett, G., & Van Steenwyk, R. (1993). Shredding “mummy” walnuts is key to destroying navel orangeworm in winter.California Agriculture, 47(5), 26-28.
- Siegel, J.P., Kuenen, L.P.S., Higbee, B.S., Noble, P., Gill, R., Yokota, G.Y., Krugner, R., & Daane, K.M. (2008). California Agriculture, 62(1), 30-35.
- Smukler, S. M., O'Geen, A. T., & Jackson, L. E. (2012). Assessment of best management practices for nutrient cycling: A case study on an organic farm in a Mediterranean-type climate.Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 67(1), 16-31.
- Snyder, R., Connell, J., 1993. Ground cover height affects pre-dawn orchard floor temperature. California Agriculture 47, 9–12.
- Snyder, R.L., Paulo de Melo-Abrea, J., 2005. Frost Protection: fundamentals, practice and economics. Vol. 1, Environment and Natural Resources Series. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Somasundaram, J., Lal, R., Sinha, N. K., Dalal, R., Chitralekha, A., Chaudhary, R. S., & Patra, A. K. (2018). Cracks and potholes in vertisols: characteristics, occurrence, and management.Advances in Agronomy, 149, 93-159.
- Steenwerth, K., & Belina, K. M. (2008a). Cover crops and cultivation: Impacts on soil N dynamics and microbiological function in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem.Applied Soil Ecology, 40(2), 370-380.
- Steenwerth, K., & Belina, K. M. (2008b). Cover crops enhance soil organic matter, carbon dynamics and microbiological function in a vineyard agroecosystem.Applied soil ecology, 40(2), 359-369.
- Teasdale, J. R., Brandsaeter, L. O., Calegari, A. D. E. M. I. R., Neto, F. S., Upadhyaya, M. K., & Blackshaw, R. E. (2007). Cover crops and weed management.Non chemical weed management principles. Concepts and Technology, CABI, Wallingford, UK, 49-64.
- Turinek, M., Grobelnik-Mlakar, S., Bavec, M., & Bavec, F. (2009). Biodynamic agriculture research progress and priorities.Renewable agriculture and food systems, 24(2), 146-154.
- UC Integrated Pest Management Program (UC IPM). Navel Orangeworm, Almond Pest Management Guidelines,
- Unger, P. W., & Vigil, M. F. (1998). Cover crop effects on soil water relationships.Journal of soil and water conservation, 53(3), 200-207.
- Wade, W.H. (1961). Biology of the navel orangeworm Paramyelois transitella (Walker) on almonds and walnuts in northern California. Hilgardia, 31, 129–171.
- Wang, K. H., Sipes, B. S., & Schmitt, D. P. (2002). Crotalaria as a cover crop for nematode management: a review.Nematropica, 35-58.
- Wauters, V., Gaudin, A., Williams, N., Jarvis-Shean, K., Hanson, B., Haring, S., Hodson, A., Sandoval Solis, Sam, Synk, Bill, Westphal, Andreas, Wilson, Houston, 2020. Cover Crop Best Management Practices. Almond Board of California, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, and University of California, Davis.
- Wilson, H., Burks, C., Reger, J.E., Wenger, J.A. (2020). Biology and management of navel orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in California. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 11(1): 25;
- Wilson, H., Daane, K.M., Maccaro, J.J., Scheibner, R.S., Britt, K.E., & Gaudin, A.C.M. (2022). Winter cover crops reduce spring emergence and egg deposition on overwintering navel orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in almonds. Environmental Entomology, 51(4), 790-797.
- Wood, S. A., & Bowman, M. (2021). Large-scale farmer-led experiment demonstrates positive impact of cover crops on multiple soil health indicators.Nature Food, 2(2), 97-103.
- Zablotowicz, R. M., Focht, D. D., & Cannell, G. H. (1981). Nodulation and N Fixation of Field-Grown California Cowpeas as Influenced by Well-Irrigated and Droughted Conditions 1.Agronomy Journal, 73(1), 9-12.
- Zalom, F,G,, Barnett, W,W,, & Weakley, C.V. (1984). Efficacy of winter sanitation for managing the navel orangeworm, Paramyelois transitella (Walker) in California almond orchards. Protection Ecology, 7, 37–41.