IWP Training

My Account & My Groups

My Account Overview & Finding My Content 

Review below to learn more about finding your content post-migration to IWP.  Content will be associated with your account based on what you had access to in Site Builder at the time of migration.   

Please Note: Your content it will all be through ucanr.edu and no longer through UCANR’s Portal. 

To view the IWP Training Webinar recording on topic, https://ucdavis.box.com/s/v6dyl185fnal41ftode5jvbrm1srdn7b.

*Please note the following is only applicable at launch of IWP when it becomes ucanr.edu.*

Finding My Content 

To start log into IWP which requires use of UC ANR Single-Sign On (SSO).  If you have issues with your UC ANR SSO, please log an IT ServiceNow ticket in ServiceNow or by emailing help@ucanr.edu. 

  1. Log into IWP via http://www.ucanr.edu, click the Log in button located at the top right. 
  2. Once logged in, you will be taken to My Account page. To view content, find the associated group and select the Manage Content link on the far right. 

1 Person - For UC ANR employees in UCPath, Person record exist that can be clicked to edit select People search information.

2 My Groups’ Group Name (ex. Demo Blog) – List all groups you have permissions to access in IWP which as a Group Admin, Group Editor or Group Member. Click the group name to view the group.

3 Edit Group – For Group Admins, Edit Group would show in and can be clicked to edit group’s landing page information including members.

4 Manage Content – For Group Admins and Group Editors, Manage Content takes you directly to the list content and will display whether published or unpublished.

3. The list of content will open that is associated with the group where you can search for your desired content to edit.


Managing Content

Once you are in your group, you will be able to see the list of associated content including published and unpublished content. 


1 Filters – The utilizes the different tags available to help narrow down your search for content within your group.  

2 Content List – This table will list all the content able to migrate from Blogs and Site Builder to Drupal. 

3 Status – For all the list content in your group, this will display Unpublished and Published Content.  Please note, when you are logged in, Unpublished content will be visible to you. 

4 Edit Node – Select Edit node button to edit the listed content.  Node is a Drupal term for content. 

5 Add New Content – For Group Admins and Group Editors, click Add new content button to add new content to your group.