Content Governance Structure / Site Request
What is Content Governance?
Content governance is a structured set of guidelines that define how content is created, managed, and published on the UC ANR website. These guidelines ensure that content remains high-quality, on-brand, and aligned with UC ANR’s strategic goals.
Governance is not intended to restrict the dissemination of information but to enhance the user experience by ensuring consistency, clarity, and relevance across all UC ANR sites.
The plan calls for the creation of a Content Governance Council to manage high-level decisions, but please note that UC ANR employees and designated volunteers will continue to have seamless, local control of their websites, blogs, and content.
Why is Content Governance Needed?
The previous Site Builder system lacked formal workflows and content review processes, resulting in outdated and redundant content that negatively impacted user engagement and search engine performance.
Implementing a governance model for the IWP will ensure that:
- Content is regularly reviewed and optimized for search engines.
- Sites are better organized, reducing decision fatigue for visitors.
- Content remains up-to-date, accurate, and aligned with UC ANR’s mission.
Requesting a New Site/Blog or Taxonomy Term
To improve site performance and provide a consistent experience for site visitors, IWP introduces a new process for requesting the creation of a new UC ANR website. All new site requests will be reviewed by UC ANR’s Strategic Communications team. The team aims to respond to site requests within one week of the request date.
Before requesting a new site, make sure to review the Requesting A Site Blog Taxonomy document for important information.