About IREC Research

IREC researchers are evaluating experimental and new potato cultivars for suitability to local soil, climate and market conditions. Studies also evaluate cultivar response to fertilization, seed-spacing, irrigation, and other cultural practices.

A number of investigators across California have continued years of research to help growers choose varieties of alfalfa, wheat and other small grains to maximize grower profitability, reduce inputs that benefit the environment, and meet industry and consumer needs.
The lack of effective genetic resistance or biological control makes soil infested with White Rot, this long-lived disease, unsuitable for onion and garlic production. A University team is investigating a two-pronged approach, using fungicides and sclerotia germination stimulants to manage this disease. Treatments have been identified that significantly reduce yield loss and disease severity, and preliminary results are encouraging that we may one day have an effective management option for this disease.