ANR Employees

Diversity & Inclusion

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) is responsible for ensuring that the University complies with federal, state, and local laws pertaining to equal opportunity, affirmative action, nondiscrimination, and harassment.

The responsibilities of the ODI include preparing and monitoring the University's Affirmative Action Plan in accordance with federal and state laws, providing training and workshops on equal opportunity, nondiscrimination and sexual harassment, monitoring the employment process to ensure compliance with employment laws and hiring procedures, and investigating and resolving discrimination and harassment complaints.  

Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention

Title IX Coordinator:

Wendi Delmendo
Harassment & Discrimation Assistance and Prevention Program
530-747-3864 (Davis)  or  916-734-3417 (Sacramento)
Anonymous Line: 530-7473865 (Davis) or 916-734-3417 (Sacramento)

Interim Affirmative Action Compliance Officer:

Tina Jordan
530-750-1280 /


University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy

Discrimination, Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment

University of California Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy

What To Do About Harassment - A Reporting Help

4-Point Harassment Assessment Help


UC Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace


The Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace prohibits abusive conduct and retaliation by and against members of the University community in the workplace. The Policy also prohibits retaliation against any person who, in good faith, reports abusive conduct, assists someone with a report of abusive conduct, or participates in an investigation or other process under the Policy. The University will respond to reports of Abusive Conduct in accordance with timelines set forth in this policy, and will take appropriate action to stop, prevent, correct, and discipline behavior that violates this policy.

UC ANR Employee and Labor Relations will intake complaints of abusive conduct through the following email: . For additional information on the UC ANR Abusive Conduct procedures and common examples of what is considered abusive conduct, please review the UC ANR Abusive Conduct page.    

In addition, for confidential support if abusive conduct has been experienced, the following offices are good places to start:

  • Ombuds Office – The Ombuds Office is a confidential, independent, impartial, and informal problem-solving and conflict management resource for all members of the UC Davis, UC Davis Health and UC ANR communities.
  • Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) - The Academic and Staff Assistance Program offers confidential, cost-free assessment, intervention, consultation and referral services to all UC ANR employees and their immediate families.
  • Center for Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE) – If you or someone close to you has experienced sexual harassment or any form of sexual violence, CARE advocates are able to provide confidential help with processing emotions, going over reporting options, resource referral and more.
  • Confidential Whistleblower Reports and Complaints – The University of California’s (UC) Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) provides several straightforward and uncomplicated ways by which UC ANR employees can anonymously and confidentially communicate issues, concerns and questions regarding activities that appears to be unethical, illegal or threatens anyone’s health or safety of UC employees.


For additional information, please contact Ian Smith at or View the full text of the Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace, including the Frequently Asked Questions, available on the UCOP website. 

Nondiscrimination Statements for Publications

Click here for Policies for Publications
(Nondiscrimination Statements in long and short versions)

Lactation Room

A lactation room with a sink and a small refrigerator is located on the second floor of the UCANR Building in Davis at the south end of the building near the elevator. The door will remain unlocked when not in use.

Accommodations for Nursing Mothers:

PPSM 84_Lactation Accommodation Policy




ANR & Civil Rights Compliance Revised (A look at legal underpinnings of Civil Rights requirements, helpful definitions, overview of civil rights compliance processes within Project Board.)

Project Board Civil Rights Compliance Help & Trainings

The link above will take you to access to two training recordings and training materials that cover the following topics:

Defining Clientele and Affirmative Action Planning: How-to define clientele groups, strategies for collecting baseline data, affirmative action goal examples, and policy changes related to contact reporting (e.g., collecting race/ethnicity/gender using self-identification forms only, gender category changes).

Improving All Reasonable Efforts and Engagement with Diverse Audiences: Programmatic strategies to conduct All Reasonable Effort, how to demonstrate compliance through documentation, programmatic strategies UCCE employs to successfully reach and engage diverse audiences to achieve parity, how to report contacts in statewide program systems and Project Board.


Religious Accommodation in the Workplace

-- Links to BASELINES --  (a possible source for academics’ requirement to supply potential [i.e. baseline] audience numbers for clientele contact reporting purposes)



Project Board - Civil Rights Compliance Instructions
** Half-Page Self-ID form for CE Program Participants

Equal Opportunity Laws, Regulations and Policies

For County Directors/Supervisors
Civil Rights Compliance "Cheat Sheet"

Distinguishing & Defining:  Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity  / Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging


Archive of "Here & Now"

Check out the "And Justice for All" posters.
The "And Justice For All" Civil Rights poster is the primary method utilized to inform customers of their rights that displays information relevant to assisted programs, and the versions with direct links are as follows:

  • AD-475A: This version is for Federally-Assisted Programs. The language is all inclusive and recipients must display the poster while conducting program delivery.
  • AD-475B: This is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) version and should be posted in SNAP and FDPIR offices.

Recipients of federally-assisted programs such as land-grant institutions are required to display this poster in their facilities where it can be viewed by customers.

UC ANR Volunteer Brochure 
UC ANR Volunteer Brochure (in Spanish)

Sample Cover Letter for Assurance of Nondiscrimination Form

Assurance of nondiscrimination letter

ADA Accommodation Request Form
(To be filled out by ANR staff only.)



For More Information Contact:

Tina Jordan
Interim AA Compliance Officer
Academic HR Manager
phone: (530) 750-1280


David White
Affirmative Action Analyst
phone: (530) 750-1286


Office of Diversity & Inclusion
UC ANR Building
2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618
Phone: (530) 750-1286
Fax:  (530) 752-7785

Directions: Click Here.