Asian Citrus Psyllid Distribution and Management

Master Gardeners

NEW Cell phone app - How close is HLB to my home?

Teach homeowners to use the phone app to find out how close HLB is to their home and encourage them to replace citrus trees with other fruit trees if they are within within 5 miles of the disease.

Type into the search engine of the phone.  Bookmark handouts with the phone app url and QR code are available. 

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Online training -  ACP and HLB Course for Master Gardeners (scroll to the bottom of the page for the MG training)

This course is designed to familiarize you with the biology and management of the Asian citrus psyllid and the bacterium that it transmits that causes huanglongbing. At the end of the course, a certificate is provided showing evidence of successful completion of the course and passing of the quiz. This course can be used to provide continuing education credit for Master Gardeners.



Materials to distribute to clientele

UC IPM Pest note for ACP and HLB

UC IPM Quick tip 

Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Citrus Industry Informational Materials



ACP/HLB PPTs- These Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing powerpoint presentations are downloadable and available for teaching purposes. They provide information about the biology of the pest and disease, their spread, their impact on homeowners, nurseries and commercial citrus and various management tactics. (40 slides)

English ppt: Master Gardener Full Presentation October 2021

Spanish ppt:  Spanish HLB ACP 2016

3 minute update PPT- This set of 4 slides can be used to provide a brief update on the status of ACP and HLB at Master Gardener meetings.   MG 3 minute update October 2021