Beef cattle herd health & production

Scoping review on pinkeye

Study highlights

The scientific literature was searched for studies on the prevention and treatment of pinkeye that does not include the use of antimicrobials. Since 1950, 79 articles have been published on this topic with the vast majority evaluating various types of vaccines. While many earlier vaccine trials targeting Moraxella bovis were able to show successful prevention of the disease, they often challenged animals with the same strain of bacteria. Since 2003, 11 vaccine studies were mostly unable to show any benefit for the use of the studied vaccines under field conditions. Fly control has shown some efficacy in reduction of pinkeye, but more studies with current products are needed. Breed and genetic disposition for pinkeye were studied in 29 articles and five of those have found eyelid pigmentation to be associated with pinkeye. Articles on novel treatments were mostly in the preliminary stage of research and few showed efficacy.


Figure 1: Number of articles and number of animals enrolled in studies performed during three time periods spanning 20 years each

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Figure 2: Number of studies and number of animals enrolled in studies, by the study focus.

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