These case studies dive deep into specific farming issues that are often mentioned by growers as potential barriers to using cover crops, or particular challenges while cover cropping. Many of these topics came from a 2017-2019 statewide survey of almond growers, and from direct feedback from additional growers of other crops. Here we share perspectives on challenges and strategies for success from experienced cover crop growers as we relate their practices and observations to research studies.
Information was provided by growers for the 2020-21 cover cropping season and is also represented in the Expert Grower Database: Cover Cropping Practices in Orchards and Vineyards.
Authors: Lauren Snyder, Gisele Herren, Miguel Garcia, Sonja Brodt, Scott Cosca
Scientific content was peer reviewed by UC Davis and UC ANR scientists.
Mention of specific practices does not imply a recommendation by the University of California.