Forest Research and Outreach


UC Forestry and Range YouTube Channel

The UC Forestry and Range YouTube hosts a variety of informational videos and webinars for all Californians interested in forestry. Whether you are planning for a winter prescribed burn or are seeking information on managing land after a wildfire, our YouTube is just one of many resources available to you. 

Visit our main page, and scroll below to explore recent videos and helpful playlists. 

Visit the UC Forestry and Range Home Page

Featured Videos

Celebrating Women's History Month: A Conversation with Women in Forestry- Mary Mayeda, Heather Morrison, Ariel Roughton, and Allison Earny are all Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) working in California. Hear about their career progression, how working as a woman in forestry has changed over the years, and the hope they see for future women in this field.


Lessons Learned from Redwood Forests: Post-fire Wildfire Survival and Regeneration- UCCE Forestry Advisors Yana Valachovic (Humboldt and Del Norte) and Michael Jones (Lake, Mendocino, and Sonoma) discuss wildfire impacts on redwood forest systems. They share information about understanding fire severity, assessing fire damage, predicting survival, and post-fire best management practices. 


An Introduction to Sudden Oak Death, Part 1: The Pathogen- CALFIRE Forest Health Specialist Chris Lee provides information on symptoms, distribution, and spread of Sudden Oak Death (SOD).



Helpful Playlists

Forest Stewardship Education- View webinars from the UC ANR Forest Stewardship program. The variety of topics include targeted grazing, mitigating bear damage, wood products, and more!


Forestry 101: Inventory- Learn how to perform basic forest inventory at home! This 4-part series reviews tree measurement tools, why inventory is important, and how to set up your own plots and gather meaningful data.