Information Technology

Update Your Staff Directory

It's very important that your staff directory is up-to-date, particularly with respect to the Director and Unit Information Security Lead roles. 

The people who fill those roles (according to the ANR Directory) will be selected for communications related to Information Security.  

In particular, individuals with these roles will be automatically included in all discussions in the ANR Information Security Collaborative Tools Group.


  1. On your Portal, click 'Edit Directory' next to the unit of interest.

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    You will be shown a listing of the staff in that unit. 

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  2. Click 'Unit Roles' to see a full listing of the current roles filled in your Unit.

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  3. Specify that a person in your unit is filling a role by selecting that person under 'User' and the relevant role. Click 'Add Role'

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  4. Scroll down the list to see the new user/role you defined. 

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  5. Finally, confirm that you made the intended changes by checking the people under your unit on the People page.

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