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Livestock and Range

Invasive Plants


UCCE Advisors and Specialists write many papers summarizing research projects, monitoring procedures, and general management practices.  All papers are peer-reviewed, meaning before they can be published, another set of people within the University review to ensure the papers are scientifically valid and not someone’s opinion.  Here you will find free publications (available as a PDF) from the University of California, as well as links to larger publications you may purchase, each with a summary.  In addition, each of the publications are available at your local UC Cooperative Extension office for your convenience. 


Weed Control in Natural Areas in the Western United States

This is the first comprehensive book to focus on control options for invasive plants in natural areas. Fifteen authors compiled information on control methods for 340 species in 13 western states, covering rangelands, grasslands, pastures, riparian and aquatic areas. Each species account includes chemical, mechanical, biological and cultural control options, based on literature and the personal experience of the authors. http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=3547

Yellow Starthistle: Pest Notes for Home and Landscape

Yellow starthistle is common in open areas on roadsides, rangeland, wildlands, hay fields, pastures, and waste areas. It is also poisonous to horses, causing a fatal nervous disorder called "chewing disease.” Click here for full text.

Field bindweed: Pest Notes for Home and Landscape

Field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis, is a native of Eurasia and was first documented in California in 1884 when it was collected in San Diego. By the first quarter of the twentieth century, field bindweed was proclaimed the worst weed in California and many of the western states. Field bindweed has been given many names including perennial morning glory, creeping jenny, bellbine, sheep-bine, and corn-bind. Click here for full text.

Distinguishing Johnsongrass and Young Summer Grass Weeds

One of the most difficult tasks associated with the management of weedy grasses is accurately identifying the species of an immature plant. Since many grasses look similar when very young, identification to species is key to correctly implementing a weed management program, especially one using herbicides This guide aids in identifying and distinguishing johnsongrass and other grass species that appear similar when immature, using distribution maps of United States counties where each species has been reported, photographs, and diagnostic characteristics for each species. Click here for full text.

Barb Goatgrass and Medusahead: Timing of Mowing and Grazing Treatments

Barb goatgrass and medusahead are invasive annual grasses that cause economic or environmental detriment. Learn how to identify the optimum timing of grazing and mowing treatments for management in your situation. Click here for full text.

Barb Goatgrass

Barb goatgrass is a winter annual grass native to Europe and western Asia. It first appeared in California in the early 1900s, but only recently has it begun to spread widely, crowding out native vegetation. Learn to identify and manage this hardy weed. Click here for full text.