The 4-H Youth Retention Study (YRS) has identified five teams that work on the various aspects of the research project. There are a total of approximately 20 Extension youth development professionals representing eight states currently involved in the research project.
Each 4-H YRS Project Member serves on at least one of the five teams. The teams include: Data Analysis Team, Qualitative Team, Implementation Team, Exit Interview Team, and Family Handbook Team. Specific tasks of each team are as follows:
Data Analysis Team – This team cleans data in preparation for analysis; coordinate types of data analysis that needs to be done; manages quantitative data; combines qualitative coded data with quantitative data; creates tables and figures; and summary of study findings.
Qualitative Team – This team developed and revises as needed the codebook; determines what analysis need to be conducted; codes the qualitative data for adults and youth surveys; analyzes qualitative data; reviews data and identifies findings.
Implementation Team – This team reviews qualitative and quantitative data along with the findings identified by the other teams to determine what materials and resources (fact sheets, videos, infographics, etc.) need to be developed and distributed.
Exit Interview Team – This team has developed questions and is conducting interviews with a sample of families from select states that have not re-enrolled in the 4-H program.
Family Handbook Team – This team worked to develop the family handbooks distributed in California and Idaho. They are exploring the distribution, use, and impact of the handbooks on family involvement and re-enrollment.
All teams are responsible for preparing journal articles and professional presentation proposals.