UC Master Gardeners of the Lake Tahoe Basin
Welcome to the UC Master Gardeners of the Lake Tahoe Basin
As part of the University of California's Agriculture and Natural Resources division, we serve our community by sharing research-based knowledge and sustainable gardening practices. Our dedicated volunteers work to empower Lake Tahoe residents with the skills and expertise needed to grow food, tend gardens, and protect California's precious natural resources. We understand that every garden and gardener is unique. That's why we customize our outreach and education to embrace Tahoe's distinctive landscapes and diverse communities. Whether you're a first-time gardener or a seasoned green thumb, we're here to help your garden thrive. Join us in cultivating a more sustainability, beauty, and bounty in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Interested in getting updates on events, classes, and local gardening tips? Sign up for our newsletter! Sign Up Here
Who are the UC Master Gardeners?

Master Gardeners are community members who have been trained under the direction of the University of California Cooperative Extension. Each volunteer has completed more than 50 hours of formal classroom training. Master Gardeners, agents of the University of California, assist the UC Cooperative Extension by providing practical, scientific gardening information to the home gardeners in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
The UC Master Gardeners of the Lake Tahoe Basin provide research-based information to the community by:
- Offering free public classes and workshops on a variety of topics relevant to the residents of the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Answering questions via our email helpline and in person at classes and community events
- Publishing articles in newsletters, local newspapers and social media
Interested in becoming a UC Master Gardener? Learn Details Here
Have Garden Questions?
Our trained UC Master Gardener volunteers are ready to help! Fill lout our Ask a Master Gardener Survey or email us for research-based answers to all your gardening questions. Whether you're battling pests, selecting plants, or starting your first garden, we're just a click away.
UC Master Gardeners of Lake Tahoe Email: laketahoemg@ucanr.edu
UC Master Gardener Program History
For over 40 years of UC Cooperative Extension's history, UC Master Gardener volunteers have shared research-based home horticulture information with the public. The first UC Master Gardener Programs started in 1980, with graduating classes in Sacramento and Riverside counties. Since these humble beginnings programs are now thriving in more than 52 counties across the state.
Interested in learning more about the history of the UC Master Gardener program? More Details Here