UC Master Gardeners of Solano County

Coming Up Soon!

The mission of the UC Master Gardener Program is to extend to the public research-based information, verified by UC experts, about home horticulture, pest identification, landscape maintenance, and other environmental issues. The Program's outreach emphasizes the importance of sustainable landscape practices in addressing multiple environmental concerns, including water and air quality, energy and soil conservation, invasive species, and waste management.
The Master Gardener Volunteer Program is a partnership among the University of California, USDA, county governments, and California residents. This program is an important outreach and public service arm of the UC's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) direct at home gardeners. Master Gardener Program training and management are administered by the county UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) offices. Certified Master Gardener are agents of UCCE. In exchange for the excellent training they receive, Master Gardener volunteers extend horticultural information and offer educational programs and garden-related demonstrations in their communities.
Contribute for a Better Future
Upcoming Events
Decorative Ornamental Grasses
Nature Journaling
Office Locations
UCCE-Solano County
501 Texas Street
first floor
Fairfield, CA 94533
United States