Vegetable Crops in San Joaquin County

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Vegetable Crops In San Joaquin County
Growers in San Joaquin County produce vegetables on roughly 43,000 acres at a farm-gate value of $315.4 million in 2023. Major vegetable crops include:

- Processing tomatoes
- Potatoes
- Watermelons
- Pumpkins
- Garlic
- Fresh market tomatoes
- Onions
- Bell Peppers
- Sweet corn
- Cucumbers
- Squash
We conduct research trials in commercial fields with local grower cooperators. Our goals are to improve profitability and solve pest management (weed, disease, nematode, and insect pests) problems affecting local vegetable producers. Research-based information is extended to clientele via grower meetings, newsletters, field consultations, telephone calls, and field meetings.
Contact Info

Brenna Aegerter, Vegetable Crops Advisor
Quick Links
UC Vegetable Research Information Center