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Career Planning Tools

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else” - Lawrence J. Peter



ANR Performance Standards
Career Conversations for the Employee (Workbook- UC Davis Box)
Competencies vs Skills
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Learning Resources
Mentorship Program
My UC Career
Self-Assessment Worksheet
Training Impact Plan
UC Tuition Discounts


Individual Development Plan IDP form (download; fillable PDF)

Learn what an IDP is and how to use one as a direct report or supervisor.

Learning Resources

Find many resources available to ANR employees to develop your skills and career. 


UC Competencies mapped to LinkedIn Learning courses.

Use this page to find courses in communication, DEI, employee engagement, innovation and change management. Need a LinkedIn Learning account? Ask for one by emailing ANR IT help@ucanr.edu

Mentorship Program

Learn about the annual ANR Mentorship program where academic and staff mentors and mentees pair up to explore and achieve mentee personal and professional development goals.

Competencies vs. Skills (What is the difference?)
A skill is a proficiency, capability developed through training or experience whereas a competency is a cluster of related abilities. Read more here.

My UC Career 
An online development portal available to all UC employees seeking to advance their career.


SMART Goals (fillable form)
Use SMART Goals to show the important results you are working to accomplish.


Self-assessment worksheet (SAW)

Use the self-assessment worksheet to help you identify your career issues, goals, interests, and values.


Training impact plan (TIP)

Employees and supervisors can plan how the employee will leverage a training on the job.  

University of California Tuition Discounts (Discounts)
UC supports employees who want to advance their education and offers tuition and fee discounts to those who are eligible. Click here to read more.

Navigating Career Transition (Video: 58 min) (UC Alumni Career Network)

Resources to assess skills, interests, passions, and workplace values
Career development resources (UC Davis)

How to plan your career path (LinkedIn Learning, ask for your seat by contacting ANR IT help@ucanr.edu)
The Balance Careers