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Working at UC ANR

Project board, hiring people, policies, safety in the workplace, and more.

On this page

Artificial Intelligence 
Connecting within UC and UC ANR
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Health, Risk & Safety
Preventing Harassment and Discrimination
Students, Volunteers and others - how to engage
Who does what
Working remotely


Artificial Intelligenc
AI Essentials (UCB Training)
Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence Report


Travel cybersecurity tips (UC ANR Video)
Administrative rights & Cybersecurity on your local laptop or PC (UC ANR Video)


Connecting within UC and UC ANR

Connecting for impact Online presentation | Handout | Quiz - Connecting is perhaps the most crucial component in building working relationships with others.

10 tips to starting your program (Fact Sheet) - Successful extension needs time, trust and continuity. Here are ten steps to help you start well.

Getting started: Connecting (Fact Sheet) - Here are great tips on building relationships.

County-Campus Collaboration (Fact Sheet) - Campus-based faculty working with county-based Advisors strengthens the relevance, reach and application of our science. Through such collaboration, campus-based researchers can better access real-world audiences and gain
practical perspectives, while county-based programs benefit from
campus expertise and resources

Examples of Campus-County Success - These stories are just a sampling of numerous collaborations happening across the state. Visit the UC ANR directory to learn who is working in your areas of interest and make a connection.

Strategic Initiatives, Program Teams and WorkGroups (Web) Formal workgroups provide a mechanism for people to connect, communicate and implement around issues and priorities of shared interest. 

Roles & Responsibilities at ANR (Web) UC ANR units and their roles.

Top of page.


UC ANR Mentorship Program - This program pairs Mentees who seek professional development with Mentors from across UC ANR.

Tips for connecting within UC ANR for Academics (PDF)
Tips for networking and mentoring (PDF)
Don't go it alone Fact Sheet (UC ANR Academic Assembly Council)
Mentor role (Video 7:30) 
Mentee role (Video 6:42)

County and Statewide Program roles

UC 4-H
UC Calfresh & EFNEP

Health, Risk & safety


UC ANR Certification Requirements: Legal & Otherwise (Fact Sheet)


Leading and coping through COVID - Tips from ASAP (UC Davis)
UC ANR Environmental Health and Safety Health Alerts
Safety in the workplace
Risk Management

Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program

If you have concerns about harassment and discrimination in the work place, UC ANR employees can reach out to the UC Davis HDAPP office

Emergency Resources

Disaster and emergency resources - Emergency / Drought/ Fire/ Disease)
Be Informed about Emergencies
Make a Plan for Emergencies
Build a Kit of Emergency Supplies

UC ANR Fire Site 

State Fire Map
Air Quality
Emergency support from UC benefit plans
Faculty and staff assistance program free, confidential resources for emotional health needs (available to UC ANR employees through UC Davis).

ANR employees at a presentation

Top of page.



"Orientation & On-Boarding" Includes FAQs and Who does what
New Employees Guide
Principles of Community Fact sheet

Programmatic Orientation

Checklist - Helping People Start Strong Within UC ANR

Building Success (UC ANR)

Module 1. Connecting for impact
Online presentation | Handout | Quiz

Module 2. Goal setting for impact
Online presentation | Handout | Quiz

Modules 3. Wellness for impact
Online presentation | Handout | Quiz

Module 4. Communicating for Impact
Online presentation | handout | Quiz

Getting Started

How to be successful in working across large areas (online presentation) Fact Sheet

What a good program looks like (online presentation) Fact sheet

Words of wisdom from Colleagues 2021

Ellen Bruno Video 11:10 minutes (resource Economics Specialist UC Berkeley)

Natalie Price Video 11:06 minutes (Nutrition & Health Advisor)

Luke Milliron Video 10:43 minutes (Orchard crops Advisor)

About UC ANR

Part 1: UC ANR & the Land Grant System (online presentation)
(Presentation as a PowerPoint)

Part 2: How we make a difference (online presentation)

The History of the Land Grant System (Jim MacDonald: Video 42 minutes)

Students, Volunteers and others - How to engage 

How to get students and others on board (UC ANR HR)

Engaging campus students (Draft overview - info sheet)

Planetary Health institute (Summer Fellowships)

Environmental Policy and Management (UC Davis)

Extension Certificate Capstone students (UC Davis - coming)


How to engage volunteers (fact sheet)

Building Volunteer Engagement Course. Develop an action plan to enhance volunteer engagement

Login instructions PDF,

Login instructions Video (1:32)

eXtension Activity Completion Report Instructions (PDF)

Who Does What

Who Does What

Who to contact at Business Operations Center (BOC)

Explore "For Employees"

Working Remotely

Guidance for telecommuters (UC ANR Risk & safety)

Tips to work remotely (Fact Sheet)

Getting ready in the counties and RECs (Fact Sheet)

Safety Note 155 Home Office Safety

Computer Ergonomics at Home

Avoid zoom fatigue

Virtual meetings or training

Using Information Technology (UC ANR L&D)

Using Zoom

Create and implement an engaging webinar

Working remotely (eXtension resources)