ANR Mentorship Program

Resources for mentors and mentees
2024 Mentorship Kickoff event handouts (use your UC Davis Kerberos user name and passcode)
The ANR Mentorship Program is a 9-month Program (February-November) for Academic and Staff Mentees. It consists of ANR Mentors listening to, sharing knowledge and insights with, and supporting ANR Mentees in a path of self-discovery, skill building, and thought provoking discussions.
The program pairs Mentees who seek professional development with Mentors from across UC ANR. The program provides a supportive structure in which mentees cultivate contacts, better understand ANR, gather information, explore challenges and enhance effectiveness as they design their personal growth and career paths. For Academic Mentees, it also helps with program planning, outreach, research collaboration, and understanding the merit and promotion process.
Mentees are people who
- Are committed to being active partners in their Mentoring relationship
- Have the time and can commit to the following
- Regular monthly (9) meetings (conference video/calls) with your mentor
- CliftonGallop Strengthfinder survey for both mentors and mentees
- Two in-person events Mentorship Orientation, Celebration & Debrief Day) and online CliftonGallop Strengths ® Workshop
ANR Learning & Development covers the pre-approved cost of any travel for any in-person sessions. Seats are limited.
Representatives from both Academic Assembly Council and ANR Staff Assembly consider applicant survey responses, length of time with ANR, unit/location, role, and make selections accordingly. Academics with two or less years with ANR are given priority over more veteran Academics.
What Mentoring Is and Is not
Mentoring is:
- A format to drive rich learning, career growth, and leadership development opportunities for both Mentees & Mentors
- Build relationships to create a strong and supportive ANR culture
- Increase employee engagement
- Supporting someone in developing toward potential they may not see
What are the myths of mentoring?
- Mentoring is a job-training or shadowing program
- Mentoring promises a promotion
- Mentors have the latest information on the organization
- Mentoring is a "fix"
- People should have the same mentor their entire career
- Only for "star" employees; mentoring can help those who are struggling, too
For more information on mentoring relationships read more here.

Do you appreciate fostering personal and professional growth in others? Are you an excellent listener and communicator? Will you make a commitment to serve as a mentor for the 2025 Academic & Staff Mentorship Program?
If yes, complete this survey to share information about your background, experience, and areas of interest.
ANR Learning & Development is launching its fourth annual Mentorship Program. This 9-month program will start in late February and run through November. (see testimonials below!)
In this volunteer program ANR mentors (Academic and Staff) listen to and share knowledge and insights they have gained over the years with their mentee. We are looking for mentors who have the time and can commit to:
- Partaking in the online Mentor Orientation (Late January)
- Meeting with your Mentee once/month: phone, video calls, other arrangements
- Participating at one in-person group sessions: Mentor-Mentee Orientation
- Optional online Strengthfinder® session
For more information on what it means to be a mentor, please consult the UC Davis Mentor roles, responsibilities, and characteristics page.
Overall the Mentorship Program is intended to help mentees develop peer support, explore challenges, cultivate contacts, and enhance effectiveness as they design personal growth and career paths.
3-minute video with David Lewis, Mentor.
How to ask someone to be your mentor (LinkedIn article)
How to be a good mentee or mentor (LinkedIn Learning course)
Ask for your LinkedIn Learning account through the ANR IT team.
The 5 types of mentors you need in your life. (
Mentor Resources
Mentor Toolkit (ANR -Google doc)
Common Mentor Roles (UC Davis)
Mentorship Program Overview & Charter (Agreement between Mentor-Mentee)
Exceptional Role Model, Mentor, and Humanitarian (Paper with Dr. Mary Blackburn)
Optional toolkit (topics and articles for discussions)
Learning and Development (ANR)
Career Development (ANR)
Learning resources (ANR)
Academic and Staff Assistance Program (UC Davis Mental Health Services)
Ombuds Office Confidential Conflict Mitigation (UC Davis)
Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention - Reporting system (UC Davis)
Academic - Finding a Mentor (UC ANR PDF Fact Sheet)
Tips for Networking and Mentoring (UC ANR PDF Fact Sheet)
Don't Go it Alone - Form an Academic Peer Cohort (UC ANR PDF Fact Sheet)
Mentor role (Video 7:30)
Mentee role (Video 6:42)
Resources for mentoring an academic mentee
Orientation and onboarding (UC ANR)
Program Review: E-Book & PR Dossier Examples
Position description (UC ANR)
Merit & Promotion Criteria, Trainings and Supervisor Review Forms (ANR)
Guidelines for UC ANR Academics Preparing the Thematic Program Review Dossier (ANR)
Best Practices for Mentoring in Academic Settings (U of Michigan)
Work Plan Process (UC ANR)