Hero Image

Personal Development

Engaged employees are enthusiastic about their work and committed to their jobs. The level of employee engagement in an organization is a product of the type of relationships between employees, their supervisors, and leadership.

Organizations can contribute to positive employee engagement by providing clear expectations, basic materials and equipment needed for the job, and effective internal employee communication. Supervisors contribute to engagement with regular feedback and dialogue with their employees.

An employee’s attitude toward the job and organization has a great impact on engagement, too.

UC Core Competencies mapped to LinkedIn Learning courses
Your Power in the Workplace
Career Planning
Mentoring and Connecting
Time Management 
Working Remotely
Leadership Development
Your Power in the Workplace

Seven steps to Success Fact Sheet

Being Positive Fact sheet 

The happiness advantage Video (Ted Talk)

Motivation - The Power of Why Video (Ted Talk 5:01)

The 5 common behaviors Fact Sheet

Memory & Brain Training Video (Youtube 5:39)

How to have confidence in yourself

Visualize your confidence

Fill your life with motivation

Say "Yes" more often

You aren't nervous - You're excited!

Create a power playlist

Celebrate wins

Focus on building your strengths

Posture Matters



Leadership Development

Writing and Presenting to Executives (UCD)

Leadership Mindsets (LinkedIn Learning -49 min) get your LinkedIn Learning account by contacting ANR IT @ help@ucanr.edu

UC People Management and Certificate Series & ANRNetworking Cohort

Influencing the expectations of upper management (UCD)

General leadership courses (UCD)

UC Leadership Development (UCnet website)
Career Planning

Career planning tools

Seven Steps to Success Fact Sheet

Academic Development Resources (Website)

Administrative Skills (Website)

Engage your Supervisor in Your Career Goals (PDF - UC Davis Box)



Effective communication requires skills in both talking and listening. Sir Winston Churchill once said 'Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.' Yet, effective listening and speaking take more than courage; they also require constant learning and practice. To prepare for both you need to build trust, manage emotions, and show respectful verbal and nonverbal behavior.

Working with Difficult People (LinkedIn Learning - request your account by emailing ANR IT help@ucanr.edu).

Leading and Motivating People with Different Personalities (LinkedIn Learning)

Working More Effectively with Different Personalities (LinkedIn Learning)

UC Responding to Conflict (UC Learning Center, UC Davis)
ANR Branding, Social, Technology, Writing

Representing UC ANR comes with expectations for creating quality writing, utilizing excellent graphics, and incorporating the ANR brand. Resources like the ANR writing style guide and the Brand Toolkit make it easy to create professional looking communications and give our sub-brands a connection to UC.

The resources below were chosen to give you an example of learning opportunities in writing communications. Feel free to browse the UC Learning Center, Corporate Executive Board's (CEB) Learning & Development Leadership Council, Lynda.com, and other resources for further exploration.

ANR Branding Toolkit (ANR website)


Effective speech delivery is critical to public speaking because it allows you to showcase your work and communicate with confidence. Like cooking, driving, or playing a sport, it's a learnable skill that takes planning, preparation, and practice. Speaking strategies include identifying key points, looking at a topic from different perspectives, structuring a speech into a logical sequence, and engaging the audience.

The resources below were chosen to give you an example of learning opportunities in public speaking. Feel free to browse the UC Learning Center, Corporate Executive Board's (CEB) Learning & Development Leadership Council, Lynda.com, and other resources for further exploration.

Public speaking strategies (UC Learning Center, UC Davis)
Mentoring and connecting

Mentoring and connecting

Time Management

6 tips Time Management Fact Sheet

Effective Time Management, In Summary Fact Sheet (Julie Finzel)

Pomodoro Technique® - Simple method to balance focus with deliberate breaks


Be Positive Fact sheet

Habits for Balance & Productivity Fact Sheet

The happiness advantage Video (Ted Talk)

Wellness for impact Online presentation | Handout | Quiz

UC ANR Wellness

UC ANR Wellness and Mental Health Resources

Working remotely

Tips for working remotely under Working at UC ANR

Ergonomics when telecommuting Fact sheet (UC Davis)

Resilience - Building Your Resilience (APA article)