Current Projects:
- California Agritourism Summit May 14-15, 2025: The California Agritourism Summit will bring together agritourism stakeholders to share current initiatives and industry developments, gain practical tools to start or expand an agritourism business, develop strategic partnerships, and create a collective vision for the future of agritourism in California. The event will feature expert panels, roundtable discussions, presentations, networking opportunities, and tours of successful agritourism operations in San Diego County. Visit the California Agritourism Summit Website to learn more!
- California Open Farm Passport: This project will invite the public to explore the bounty of local farms during regionally coordinated events throughout the year. Farm guests will have opportunities to learn, taste and buy a diversity of crops from participating specialty crop farmers around the state who have opened their farm gates. This collaborative project is led by UC SAREP, partnering with Community Alliance with Family Farmers, FARMstead ED/SLO County Farm Trails, Open Farm Tours, Pleasants Valley Agricultural Association, Sierra Oro Farm Trail, Sonoma County Farm Trail, and UCCE Lassen, Modoc, and Siskiyou counties with funding from CDFA's Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. November 2024 - June 2027. Visit the California Open Farm Passport page for more information.
- Empowering Agritourism Service Providers to Strengthen Agritourism Programs as a Farm Diversification Strategy: this project will develop a “National Holistic Agritourism Training Toolbox”, provide professional development, and organize an Agritourism Community of Practice to help agritourism service providers be better prepared to guide and support agritourism operators to develop sustainable farm diversification practices. The project is led by the University of West Virginia, in collaboration with a national team of collaborators. Funded by the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP). November 2024 - November 2027. Visit the project page for more information.
California Agriculture and Nature Tourism Directory is a statewide directory of agritourism operations.
Farms and ranches: It's free to sign up online. List your activities and events to help visitors find you.
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- Our Facebook page - Agtour Connections
Past Projects:
- Agritourism Intensive: Since 2011, the Agritourism Intensive training program has provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and risks of diversifying through agritourism and has provided a supportive network to actively develop plans for the creation/expansion of agritourism businesses. Visit the Agritourism Intensive page for more information on future and past trainings.
- Strengthening California Local Food Networks with Agritourism and Direct Sales - This 3-year project (Oct. 2020 - Sept. 2023) provided resources and trainings for California farmers & ranches in adopting their agritourism operations during COVID and diversifying their revenue through agritourism and direct sales. Read more about the full project here.
- Growing California Agritourism Communities: Professional Development workshops and tools for agricultural and tourism professionals, government staff and officials and others who help farmers and ranchers develop and promote agritourism enterprises.
- Regional Agritourism Summits for everyone involved in California agritourism were held in February and March, 2017 in Davis, Petaluma, Riverside and Modesto.
- Lunchtime Webinar Series 2016 - Recordings from 5 webinars covering practical topics in agritourism.
- Mapping California Agritourism 2015 - maps created from multiple lists of agritourism operations and on-vineyard wineries.
- Guide for Agritourism Associations - November 2015: Marketing Regional Farms and Wineries; A Guide for California Agricultural Marketing Groups
- California Statewide Agritourism Summit: The California agritourism community gathered in Woodland on April 8, 2015 to plan for increased collaboration. Learn more...
- Building a Farm Trail Project 2013 - 2015: Examples of farm trail map development and resources for collaborative agritourism marketing.
- Discover California Farms... California Fairs!: a guide to specialty crop promotion and education at California District and County Fairs Learn more...
- "Growing Agritourism" Professional Development Workshops 2011
- California Agritourism Summit, 2011: California's first statewide agritourism summit.