California Agritourism

Regional Agritourism Summits 2017

Regional Agritourism Summits 2017

...for sharing, learning and planning together

Agritourism operators, tourism professionals, county, city and state staff and officials, community organizations, agricultural organizations, tour organizers and everyone else involved in California agritourism were invited.

More than 200 people joined their regional agritourism community for a day of sharing, learning and planning together at one of four Regional Agritourism Summits hosted by the UC Small Farm Program, UC Cooperative Extension advisors and collaborating partners. Each summit was planned by a local team to best reflect the needs of the region, so each was unique.

Each summit was a participatory all-day session with lunch provided. Many participants brought marketing and organizational information to display and share.

Presentations and notes from 2017 Regional Agritourism Summits

Other useful resources:

Agritourism Enterprises on your farm or ranch: Understanding regulations - by Holly George and Ellie Rilla, a free UC ANR Publication

Agritourism Enterprises on your farm or ranch: Where to Start - by Holly George and Ellie Rilla, a free UC ANR Publication