UCCE in Your County Templates
*New* Counties are now expected to complete a 2-page (1-page front and back) county overview by November 1st of each year, which will be used for communication and advocacy purposes. UC ANR leadership and Government Relations use these documents when meeting with your local elected officials in November and all elected officials throughout the year. Counties are also encouraged to share these documents with their partners and County Boards of Supervisors.
For the November 1st, 2024 deadline, counties have two options to meet this requirement:
1. Choose a Template
- Option 1: Use the Word template provided by Program Planning and Evaluation with county-specific metrics and data. View an example of a completed 2-page report that uses the Word template from Butte here. Visit the Google folder (“Initial drafts populated with [year] data”) to download your county’s template with county-specific metrics. Follow the directions in the document to complete at least the first two pages of the report.
- Option 2: Download the new PowerPoint template from Government Relations to create your “one-pager.” View an example of a completed county one-pager here.
2. Add county-specific metrics compiled for you and available in your county’s Word template in this Google folder.
3. Add measured outcomes and local impact stories. Use outcomes from the Condition Change Impact Stories compilation or reach out to Advisors and program staff in your county.
4. Upload your final 2-page report in the Google folder by November 1st. Navigate to the relevant year, select “Final [year] reports shared by counties” and upload your report.
- Update county-specific metrics every year as they become available. Stories do not need to be updated quite as often. Use your judgment to decide when new stories should be added or updated so that your report stays relevant.
- Use human interest stories with details of real projects (for example, a specific 4-H project and the resulting impact to the youth and their community) to demonstrate the whole program’s impact. Include measured outcomes of your programming either within the text or as a callout textbox. Both are important to engage government officials and community stakeholders.
- For help with the content of your report, reach out to Anne Megaro (ammegaro@ucanr.edu) or Sheron Violini (sviolini@ucanr.edu) for support.
- For help with county-specific metrics, reach out to Kit Alviz (alviz@ucop.edu) or Christina Becker (christina.becker@ucop.edu) for support.
- If you have trouble opening the Google folder: Click on this link or copy-paste the link into your web browser: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z85fHXKfVDTxUHQaE-qkwFZhOHl7OEpr?usp=sharing. You may need to be logged in to my.ucdavis.edu or any Google account to access the folder.
- This product should be used and modified to fit your county's needs and to highlight the best of your county's programming. Modify the templates and replace sections based on what's relevant to you, your partners and stakeholders.
Other opportunities: Create a one-pager for your program or project
Example: Turn this word doc into this vibrant pdf.

Proclamation template
Examples: Master Gardener Proclamation DRAFT