UC Environmental Stewards

Support Our Program


"It was an experience that redirected my life.”

"This program gave me a pathway to pursue work in a field that I didn't really know existed."

"My own life has been focused tremendously by the training."

"This community has become very important to me."

Making a difference: Building community

UC Environmental Stewards strives to introduce the public to the wonders of our unique ecology and engage participants in the stewardship of California’s natural communities. 

Since 2012, we have worked with over 70 partner organizations that deliver the course and have certified a community of over 7,700 California Naturalists and Climate Stewards. As of May 2024, California Naturalists and Climate Stewards have volunteered over 314,000 hours, worth over $8.5 million dollars, in 53 of 58 counties In 2016, 24% of our course participants and 21% of statewide conference attendees received a need-based scholarship to attend courses and training events. UC Environmental Stewards plays an essential role in California’s future by fostering a new era of citizen involvement in environmental stewardship and civic engagement.

We welcome your support to help build our program and scholarship funds. You are a philanthropist no matter how much or how little you give! Thank you for making the UC Environmental Stewards experience impactful and inclusive. 

Three funds, one mission: to foster a diverse community of naturalists and promote stewardship of California's natural resources through education and service.

Stewardship Fund: In Perpetuity Climate Stewards Fund: Resilient  CommunitiesScholarship Fund: Achieving Inclusion
UC Environmental Stewards fosters environmental stewardship through our two course offerings, California Naturalist and Climate Stewards.  Your investment ensures that California’s environmental management will involve meaningful long-term participation by local communities. UC Environmental Stewards prepares Climate Stewards to communicate and engage in local solutions to advance community and ecosystem resilience. Our vision is for California to have engaged communities and functioning ecosystems that are resilient in a changing climate.We need your support to build an inclusive community of naturalists. This scholarship-specific fund will help break down barriers that many students, young, and low-income people face in accessing environmental education and workforce training opportunities. This fund is used to off-set course participation costs for people who could benefit from a scholarship to become a certified Climate Steward or California Naturalist.