Master Food Preservers Logo
UC Master Food Preserver Program


Since the creation of the first UC Master Food Preserver Program in 1982, certified UC Master Food Preserver Volunteers have shared their knowledge and passion for food safety and preservation with local communities, donating more than a quarter million hours of volunteer service. Through our commitment to our mission of extending research based information to the public, the UC Master Food Preserver Program is creating a healthier California.

Planned Giving and Bequests

Planned Giving and Bequests
There are a variety of planned gift options that will allow you to meet your philanthropic and financial goals.  You can make a significant impact by supporting the UC Master Food Preserver Program through your estate plans, for instance by making a bequest. Donors may also establish income-producing gifts such as charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts, which benefit them during their lifetimes with up-front income tax savings and often at a higher return.


Giving Options

There are many ways to give to the UC Master Food Preserver Program.

If you'd like to make an online gift, select the "Make A Gift" button, scan the QR code, or log onto In addition to making your gift, you can sign up for our recurring gift option which enables you to make a monthly, quarterly or annual payment using our online service.

Gifts can be mailed to: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 2nd Street Davis, CA, 95618, Attn: Development Services.

Make your check payable to "UC Regents.”

Please be sure to include a letter or a note indicating the designation for your gift to be for the UC Master Food Preserver Program. If your check will support multiple programs, or is an honorary or memorial gift, please share specific details to ensure that we honor your intentions.

Did you know?  The IRS will allow you to take a deduction for a check written, mailed and postmarked by December 31st, even if not cashed until the new year.

Cash gifts may be made by money order or wire transfer. Contact UC ANR Development Services for more information at (530) 750-1389 or at

Pledged Gifts 
Make a gift with payments scheduled over time through a pledged gift. Payments can be made using cash, credit cards, securities, or other kinds of assets over a period of up to five years. Contact UC ANR Development Services at (530) 750-1389 or at so that we can help you set up your pledged gift.

Employer Matching Gifts
Find out if your employer offers a matching gift program and increase the impact of your gift. Look for your employer and learn how to maximize your giving on this page.

Corporate and Foundation Partnerships and Sponsorships
UC Master Food Preservers collaborate with corporations and foundations to support our strategic initiatives, research, programs and events. To learn more about partnership opportunities, contact UC ANR Development Services at or (530) 750-1389.


Memorial and Tribute Gifts
A memorial gift extends the legacy of a loved one, commemorating the values and ideals that defined their life. Tribute or honorary gifts recognize a significant event or an exceptional person who is still living. We will notify the family or honoree of your gift, but the gift amount will remain private.

To make a memorial or tribute gift, please provide the honoree or family name and address in the comments field of the donation page so we can inform them of your generosity. If you need assistance regarding memorial or tribute gifts, contact UC ANR Development Services at or (530) 750-1389.

Gifts in Kind
UC ANR accepts in-kind donations of goods and services that support our mission, however some restrictions apply. Please contact UC ANR Development Services at or (530) 750-1389 so we can discuss your gift and provide the information you need.

Gifts from Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
ANR accepts gifts from Donor Advised Funds in support of the UC Master Food Preservers. Please notify us in advance that your gift will be coming from a DAF and let us know how you would like the gift to be designated (program, location, research area) and ask your financial advisor to direct your gift to UC ANR using the EIN #94-3067788. The funds should be mailed to University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 2nd Street Davis, CA, 95618, Attn: Development Services. If you have questions, please contact UC ANR Development Services at or (530) 750-1389.

Stocks and Securities
Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and effective way to make a gift to the UC Master Food Preservers.  Securities may be transferred from your brokerage account to the Regents of the University of California on behalf of UC ANR. Per IRS rules, publicly traded securities are valued at the mean selling price on the valuation date. Click here for delivery instructions. Let us know when you plan to make a stock gift so that we can ensure it was transferred successfully by emailing UC ANR Development Services at

Real Estate
You may transfer real estate including land, farms, personal residences, and rental or commercial property to UC ANR for the purpose of supporting our work. Some restrictions apply and depending upon the circumstances, the university will either manage or liquidate the assets. For more information, please contact UC Master Food Preservers at or (530) 750-1389.

IRA Distributions
It is possible to support the UC Master Food Preservers through your IRA. Beginning in tax year 2024 you can give any amount up to $105,000 or less. This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD for short. Distribution must be made to a qualifying charity. Please use EIN # 94-3067788 for your gift. Please consult with your financial advisor to determine if you are eligible to make an IRA distribution and to learn more about potential tax advantages. Let us know you have made this distribution so we can ensure receipt and acknowledgment by emailing UC ANR Development Services at

We recommend that you seek the advice of an attorney or a tax advisor in developing your estate plan as the UC ANR Development Services office may not render tax or legal advice.