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Monterey County

Abiotic Disorders

This web site focuses on abiotic or physiological disorders of cool-season vegetables grown in the coastal production district of California. Production of high-quality vegetables requires products free of defects. Vegetables react adversely to weather, temperature extremes, nutrient availability and disorders, as well as varietal response to physiological stresses. Abiotic disorders occur in the field and post-harvest. This website focuses on field related abiotic disorders; information on abiotic post-harvest  disorders can be obtained under the produce fact sheets at the UC Davis Postharvest Center: http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/Commodity_Resources/Fact_Sheets/ . For question on any of the information presented here, contact Vegetable Crop Farm Advisor, Richard Smith: rifsmith@ucdavis.edu .

Abiotic Disorders