Naturalist Stories
California Naturalists throughout the state all have a keen interest in nature in common. In pictures and words, we want to share your CalNat story: what you're working on now that you're certified, what you accomplished with your capstone project, what impact the program has had on you, and in turn what your community has gained.
Please share some short text and upload a picture or short video or other file type, like a PDF of your capstone brochure (16MB limit). These stories define our program's impact and help connect naturalists through their passions and experiences.
To view the California Naturalist stories, follow this link.
Climate Stories
UC Environmental Stewards, with support from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, captured authentic experiences of Californians as they deal with a changing climate. These experiences share the diversity of people, places, and issues that make climate stories inherently unique, yet universal.
Each story answers the questions:
- What motivated you to act?
- What was your response or change in behavior or practice?
- What have you learned from your experience?
- If applicable, to what extent has your work connected to local or state government efforts?
To view the Climate Stewards story map, follow this link.